Sunday, November 2, 2014

November 2

Sunday night, back at work. It's nice and cool out tonight, too. We ended up messing around all day and I never did get a nap so I'm kinda tired but not too bad. So far it's been pretty slow here at work. There was a big racing event thingie in town this weekend and today was the last day so I kinda expected it to be a little busier than normal. Guess not, though. Traffic wasn't really too bad either so that was kinda weird. Nice, but weird, lol.

So let's see. Friday morning I stopped on the way home for coffee and breakfast tacos. TK was still awake so we ate breakfast then went to go do the kitty thing. We were there for a couple of hours cleaning the cages and playing with the kitties. It was awesome :-) There were a few of the same kitties as before but also a few new ones. Including a set of little Siamese brothers who were soooooo freaking adorable!! Ahem. Finished up there and went by Gamestop to look around. We're still kinda seriously thinking about the whole Xbox One thing :-) Stopped by Target to look at toys and stuff and picked up some frozen pizza and frozen wings for dinner, Got home and hung out for a while, played some GTA V until TH got home, then made dinner. TK's buddy came over and we watched an episode of Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. while we waited for the Trick or Treating dudes to start showing up. Once it got dark we sat out on the porch handing out candy and eating vodka gummy bears. And being silly :-) It was fun! Once we had handed out all of the candy we went inside and hung out for a while then TH and I went to bed and the boys stayed up for a while.

Saturday we slept until about 10:00 or so, hung out for a while drinking coffee, then spent all afternoon cleaning the house. Like, we seriously cleaned the whole. fucking. house. I am so sore today that I can barely move :-/ But the house looks awesome, so yay! Did a little laundry, hung out for a while, made nachos for dinner, and watched the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. It was actually really good! I was pretty tired after that so I went on to bed when TH did.

Sunday TK and I actually woke up when TH got up to go to work. We stayed up for a little bit then went back to bed for a while. Got up around 12 or so then went running around. We checked out a couple of Targets to see if they had the toy that TH is looking for, went by Sprouts for some fruit and some TVP crumbles, stopped at Gamestop to cancel our preorder for COD Advanced Warfare (which releases tonight. Sigh.), and stopped at a Walmart and Toys R Us to look around. We thought about going to feed the ducks but decided to wait until tomorrow or Tuesday. We decided that Subway sounded really good so we stopped by there for dinner. Got home and played Halo Reach until TH got home, hung out with him for a while, and now I'm at work :-P

I really should have gone out driving this weekend but I just didn't feel like it :-/ I've just been kinda blah lately, dunno what's going on. I think I'm going to go online in the morning though and see what I can pick up on the way home. Everyone in town for the racing thingie is probably leaving in the morning - they're saying that tomorrow is expected to be the busiest day at the airport this year! So it would be nice to get a couple of rides in the morning :-)

Other than that, not really much going on. I still managed to keep track of what I ate over the weekend, even though I went over a couple of times. So that's something, right? Eh, at least it wasn't too bad, lol.

Noms for the weekend: FridaySaturday, and Sunday. I've done better, but I've done worse. So there you go.

Song: Wiz Khalifa, etc. - Shell Shocked. Lol. From the turtle movie :-)

Best thing: Halloween!!!

Worst thing: Sore from cleaning the house :-(


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