Tuesday, November 11, 2014

November 11

Ohhhh man. Kinda tired again tonight but not as bad as I thought I would be. And yep, they weren't kidding. It got freaking cold today, lol. It's like, 39 right now. I like it though :-) It probably wouldn't be quite as fun if I had to stand outside for the whole 8 hour shift but just running in and out all night like I do it's not too bad. I didn't even bother digging out my jacket. TH did insist that we turn on the heater at the house but by the time I left for work tonight it still hadn't come on yet. It's set for 70 and the house was still holding at 72. It's apparently pretty well insulated, lol.

So I stopped by HEB on my way home this morning to buy some dried beans. I had planned on starting a crockpot of beans last night to turn into chili for dinner tonight but the beans I had at home were...kinda gross :-/ I didn't think dried beans would really go bad but they just didn't seem right. So I tossed them and bought some new ones. Got home and TK was still awake so we played some Halo! And it was awesome :-) We played a couple of Halo 2 campaign missions and tried to play a little multiplayer but apparently they're having server issues right now. So that kinda sucked. They're working on it though so hopefully it will be up and running soon. I'm really liking what we've been able to play so far :-) Played that for a while, played a little COD AW, then went to bed around 1:00 or so. Got up at 7:30, hung out with TH for a while, started the beans (lol), and now I'm at work. Yay?

Other than that, not really much going on. It's supposed to be even cooler tomorrow and Thursday so we'll probably just hang out at home and stuff. I did see earlier today that they finally added a digital preorder for GTA V on the Xbox One! So now we only have to buy one copy :-) It comes out next Tuesday but we'll go ahead and buy it this week so we can download it ahead of time. And that's pretty much the last thing we'll be spending money on for a while, lol. TK's birthday is this Sunday but I don't know what we're going to do yet. Probably if nothing else have his buddy come over to spend the night and stuff. We'll see though. I can't believe he's going to be 15 already...

Noms for the day: Nah.

Song: Kings Of Leon - Use Somebody. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Halo!!!

Worst thing: Had the really weird, bad dreams for the first time in a long time today. At one point I dreamed that we had these tiny little baby kittens and, for some reason, I tried to suffocate them because I thought it was what was best for them. It didn't work (thankfully) and I woke up feeling horrible :-(


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