Monday, November 10, 2014

November 10

Holy crap I'm tired tonight. Nice and quiet at work though so that helps. It's cool and kinda breezy out right now but once the front comes through tomorrow morning it should be considerably cooler. I think they're calling for a high tomorrow of like 58 or so, and that should be right after midnight. Should be a nice day to stay home and play freaking Halo!!! And of course sleep and come back to work tomorrow night. Sigh.

So I got home this morning and TK was asleep so I chatted with TH for a while then went to bed around 9:00 or so. Woke up when he got home and we all went running around for a little bit. We went to Gamestop and cancelled our preorders for The Master Chief Collection (since we went ahead and bought the digital version) and GTA V, since we're still holding out for the digital version. If we do end up having to buy the disks we'll probably get them from the Microsoft store because they're offering a $10 gift card with purchase. Hey, every little bit helps :-) Finished up there and went by HEB for a couple of things, got home and hung out for a while, then tried to take a quick nap but I couldn't fall asleep so I got up and played a little COD AW with TK. And now I'm at work, knowing that the MCC went live about an hour ago and I can't play it until I get home in the morning. Double sigh.

Noms for the day: Not quite yet :-/

Song: Random - Halo Theme Songs 1-4. Yup, I'm a dork :-)

Best thing: Saw my cop buddy tonight! He's had a trainee dude for the past month or so, so he hasn't been able to come visit me and R here at work. No more trainee though :-)

Worst thing: Kinda tired :-/


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