Thursday, November 20, 2014

November 20

Thursday night!! It's not as cold again tonight but it's rainy and foggy and gross. I think it's pretty much supposed to stay like this through Sunday. They're calling for something like a 40% chance of rain tomorrow and then 100% chance Saturday. Oh, and a "possibility of severe storms and/or flooding". Great...

So let's see. I got busy last night and didn't get a chance to write but there really wasn't much going on. Got home Wednesday morning and hung out with TK for a while, slept until after TH got home, had macaroni and cheese and chicken for dinner, then went to work. We were going to take Naga in for her ear surgery the next morning so she wasn't allowed to have food or water after 10:00. She ended up spending the night in the gameroom with TK :-) And that was pretty much it.

I got home this morning and TK was asleep so I took Naga over to the vet and dropped her off. Stayed up for a while chatting with TH at work then went to bed around 10:00 or so. He picked Naga up from the vet after he got off work so I woke up when they got home. Messed around with them for a little while, made some dinner, then TH went to bed and I played a little GTA V with TK until time to come to work. When I first got here the outside lights were off and the breaker box was acting up so it was super freaking dark outside. I messed around with it for a while and was eventually able to get it working. Yay, lol.

So when Naga got home she was still kinda groggy and soooo pitiful :-/ The good news is though that the tumor wasn't as big or as deep as they were afraid it might be, so the vet is cautiously optimistic that they were able to get most (if not all) of it. So that is seriously freaking awesome :-) She still had a compression bandage on her leg where the IV was that we had to remove after she had been home for a while. That, lol. They also sent her home with 6 syringes of oral pain meds to be given every 12 hours. As soon as we let her out of the carrier she took off through the kitty door so we eventually had to go outside and coax her out from under one of the cars. After that she stayed inside and by the time I left for work I had seen her eat and drink something and she actually let me pet her. So I think I've been forgiven, lol.

Noms for the day: Nope.

Song: Imagine Dragons - I Bet My Life. A new one!

Best thing: Naga!!

Worst thing: So now I have another broken fucking tooth. Sigh. It's one that they wanted to do a root canal and crown on but it was going to be like, $600 or some shit. So now I need to figure out what to do about this. Double sigh.


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