Sunday, November 9, 2014

November 9

Sunday night, back at work. Yeehaw, lol. So far it's been pretty quiet, which is always nice. It's a little cool out tonight but by Tuesday morning they're calling for some seriously cold stuff to hit. I likes :-)

So let's see. Got home Friday morning and TK was still up so we had some breakfast and went to take care of the kitties. Finished up there and headed up to the security office so I could pick up my new security license. Stopped by the local Army/Navy surplus store because TK had never been there before. He was sooooo excited, lol. It's awesome! We bought a couple of dummy grenades and a 50 cal bullet. Oh, and an army green beanie hat for R here at work. Cause that's what he likes. On the way home we drove past the Ferrari place so we had to stop for a minute and drool over the cars. They were soooooo shiny. We also drove through the neighborhood I lived in when my parents and I first moved to town. I showed TK the Randall's I worked at for my first job, the 7-11 I worked at where TH and I met, and the apartments we lived in. My parents still lived there for 2 or 3 years after TK was born so he had been there when he was little. He actually kind of remembered the apartment building, because when we pulled up to it he asked if it was the place with the sidewalk that had handprints and cat footprints in it. So that was pretty cool :-) Got home and played a little COD Advanced Warfare, which is freaking awesome!! TH got home and we had Hot Pockets for dinner and watched a couple of episodes of Chuck. It's turning out to be pretty good! I hadn't had a nap or anything so I went on to bed when TH did.

Saturday I slept kinda late then got up and hung out with TH for a while. Drank some coffee, did a little cleaning and laundry, and when TK got up we made breakfast tacos. Played a little COD with TK and then TK's buddy came over to spend the night. Hung out with TH while they played, made tacos for dinner, watched a couple more episodes of Chuck, then went to bed around 10:00 or so. I really should have gone driving but I just didn't feel like it :-/

Sunday I got up a little earlier and basically just hung out with TH until the boys woke up. Did a little more laundry, cleaned up the kitchen, played some more COD after TK's buddy left, then took a quick nap until time to come to work. So...yeah. Exciting, huh? :-P

So Friday we ordered a couple of HDMI switcher boxes from Amazon so we would be able to have an Xbox 360 and an Xbox One plugged in on each monitor. They were only like $8 each. They showed up Saturday and they work great! Makes it nice and easy to play one or the other without having to dig around behind everything and mess with the cords. We also went ahead and bought the digital version of The Master Chief Collection because you can download it as soon as you pay for it, you just can't play it until it goes live on Tuesday. But now it's there and ready to go so we can play as soon as I get home Tuesday and not have to wait hours for it to download. Yay! Then next Tuesday GTA V releases! They still haven't announced a digital version for Xbox One >:-( I'm gonna be seriously pissed if we end up having to buy it on disc...

What else? Oh Jazz, the little orange kitten, figured out how to use the kitty door and go outside. Sigh. I knew it was going to happen eventually but I'm worried. Hopefully he'll just hang out in the backyard and not follow the big kitties out front. I'm not sure he's smart enough to stay out of the street :-/ So far Zoe (the little tortie) hasn't even figured out the one on our bedroom door so unless she follows her brother out she should still be an inside kitty for a little longer. Hopefully.

Noms for the weekend: Yeah, not exactly :-/

Song: Green Day - Oh Love. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Nice relaxing weekend :-)

Worst thing: My feet and shins are killing me for some reason. I'm trying to figure out what I might have done but I have no idea :-(

Yep yep yep.

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