Monday, November 17, 2014

November 17

Holy crap I'm tired tonight. Pretty slow here at work again so at least that's something. It's actually a little colder tonight than it was last night but there's no wind so it doesn't feel as bad. I think this is the last really cold night for a few days until the next front moves through early next week. Or something, lol.

So let's see. TK was asleep when I got home this morning so I chatted with TH at work for a while then went to bed around 9:00 or so. Woke up at 1:00 and couldn't fall back to sleep so I got up. TK and I went to Walmart to look for a couple of things we need to get some special edition gear for COD Advanced Warfare. Hey, it looks cool :-P Of course though they didn't have anything we needed. Got home and I went to take our kitty Naga (the fuzzy black and white one) to the vet to get checked out. She's had this ear thing or something for a little while now but it really seems to be bothering her lately. They're pretty much just a walk-in type place so I ended up being there for about 2 hours because they were super fucking busy. Sigh. Finished up there and got home, ate some leftover chili cheese tater tot stuff, then kinda took a quick nap. And now I'm at work. Yay.

The new version of GTA V for Xbox One comes out tonight!! We already have it preordered and downloaded so if TK is awake when I get home in the morning and I'm not super fucking tired we're going to check it out. It's supposed to be awesome :-) There are animals in multiplayer now. I'm so easily amused, lol.

And now for the bad thing :-/ Naga has a bacterial ear infection, so they gave her a shot of antibiotics to help fight it and some ear drops that we're supposed to give her once a day for 10 days. But, she also has a tumor growing in her right ear and that's probably what is causing the infection, since it's blocking the ear canal and letting wax and shit build up down in there. So we're taking her in Thursday morning for surgery to see if they can remove it. The vet said that depending on how big and involved it is, sometimes it's hard to remove it completely so there's a chance that it might come back :-/ Hopefully hopefully though we're getting to it quick enough that they can take care of it...

Noms for the day: Nope.

Song: Dropkick Murphys - I'm Shipping Up To Boston. Random shuffle.

Best thing: GTA V in the morning!

Worst thing: Baby Naga :-(


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