Sunday, November 23, 2014

November 23

Sunday night, back at work. It was really warm today - in the low 80's in most places, but there's a front moving through tonight that should cool things back down. Not super cold like a couple of weeks ago, but nice and fall-like for the next week or so :-) This Thursday is Thanksgiving so the school district out here where I work is taking the whole week off. So far tonight it's been pretty quiet but I'm thinking it will get busier as it gets later in the week. Should be fun, lol.

So let's see. Got home Friday morning and TK was awake so we went to take care of the kitties early. Finished up there and went by Walmart to pick up a couple of things. Got home and played some GTA V until TH got home then hung out with him for a while. Had fish and fries for dinner and watched the new Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and a couple of episodes of Chuck. TH went to bed and TK and I stayed up playing for a while. It started raining after TH got home and pretty much rained off and on most of the night. Nothing serious though, which was good.

Saturday morning I actually woke up super early because I had one of the bad dreams :-/ I was still tired but I was afraid to go back to sleep so I just got up. Hung out and drank some coffee with TH until TK got up, made some breakfast, did a little cleaning and laundry, made chocolate chip butterscotch cookies (nom!), then played a little GTA V with TK. Had leftover type stuff for dinner and watched a few episodes of Chuck, then TH went to bed and TK and I stayed up playing for a while. Again, lol. I had considered driving Saturday night but since it started raining Saturday morning and pretty much dumped its ass off all day I decided against it. The weather station closest to our house showed a 24 hour rainfall total of just over 5 freaking inches of rain. Pretty crazy.

Sunday I was tired so I slept kinda late. Got up and hung out with TH for a while, straightened up and organized the pantry, and put away the laundry. We had found some bacon and cheese meatballs and link sausage marked down at Walmart on Friday so I cooked those up to eat later this week. I also cooked a big skillet full of taco meat (ground turkey, TVP crumbles, and spices) for dinner tonight and to have as leftovers. We had taco salad type stuff for dinner, I took a shower, then played a little GTA V with TK until time to come to work.

So Friday morning was supposed to be the boss dude's last day but the other guy came in instead. So the old boss guy is no more and honestly, things are much more pleasant around here already. I already liked the guy who became the new boss, I get along well with the other girl here, and tonight I got to meet our "new" guy for the first time and I really like him :-) He had been working a couple of days over at TH's site and weekend mornings at our site but since I'm off on weekends I hadn't had a chance to meet him yet. Dude is...fucking crazy, lol. In a good way :-) TH really likes him so I was pretty sure I would too. His mom is the one who started out at TH's site, moved over here for a few weeks to fill in, then went back to TH's site to stay. We really like her too. And, they're both big-time gamers and now I have their gamertags so we can play together. Yay!

Noms for the weekend: Nope nope nope.

Song: New Kids On The Block - The Right Stuff. Random shuffle. Shut up, don't judge me! You can't judge me, you're a cat :-P

Best thing: The fuzzy little outside kitty we call Squeakie found the box and blanket we left on the front porch. She's been sleeping in it at night :-)

Worst thing: Cramps :-(


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