Sunday, August 31, 2014

August 31

Sunday night, back at work. This weekend was good but way too short, lol. So Friday morning I got home and everyone was asleep so I hung out for a little bit then went on to bed. Got up just before TH left for work, played some GTA V with TK for a while, then started to go to Papa Murphy's for pizza but traffic was horrible so we gave up and decided to just order Pizza Hut. We ordered online at about 6:30 and it said it was going to take 2 hours!! for delivery. I decided to just go pick it up to save time but they were so busy that I ended up waiting over there for over an hour. Got home after TH did and we had pizza and watched a couple of episodes of Prison Break. TH went to bed and I went out driving. It was freaking busy! I forget exactly but I added it all up and I ended up with almost $250 just for Friday night! It was insane out there, lol. Got home around 5:00 and TK was asleep so I went to bed. Oh, and it rained Friday afternoon! Like, seriously rained. Some parts of town only got a trace or so but our area got almost 2 inches in like an hour and a half. So that was cool :-)

Saturday we slept kinda late, played some GTA V, then I decided to head out and do some driving early because everyone was posting on Facebook how busy it was out there. When it's super super busy, Uber does what they call surge pricing where it costs 2 or 3 times the usual fare to catch a ride. There were some areas of town showing as much as 6x surge pricing!! Saturday was the first football game of the season for the local college team so there were people freaking everywhere. I headed out around 5:30 or so and quit at 9:00 when it slowed down a little bit. I thought about going back out later but decided to just stay home and hang out with TK. I think I still made almost $200 though :-) When I got home we had dinner and watched a couple of episodes of Prison Break for movie night then TH went to bed and TK and I stayed up playing.

Sunday we slept pretty late, played a little GTA V until TH got home, then hung out until time for me to come to work. It's busier tonight since tomorrow is Labor Day but it's not too bad. So other than that, not much going on. The other guy here at work starts his new job at the clubhouse tomorrow night. Our boss kinda chewed me out a little bit Friday morning about making sure he doesn't just spend the whole time hanging out here at the gatehouse instead of doing his security thing down at the club. I need to talk to him when he gets here in the morning because that was not cool >:-(

Noms for the weekend: Didn't track, but it was not good :-/

Song: The Click Five - Just The Girl. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Serious $$ this weekend :-)

Worst thing: Stupid thing with my boss :-/


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