Sunday, August 17, 2014

August 17

Sunday night, back at work. Yay, lol. So far it hasn't been very busy at all, which is nice. They were talking about a chance for rain earlier today but it all stayed off to the west. There's supposed to be a decent chance again tonight after midnight and tomorrow afternoon so we'll see what happens. We need to try to go swimming tomorrow though because we never did end up going this weekend. The pool we really like is only going to be open for another week :-/

So when I left work Friday morning I logged on to Uber and Lyft to see if I could get a hit on my way home but I didn't. Everyone was awake when I got home so I hung out with them for a while then took a nap. Got up a little bit after TH left for work and TK and I went to Sprouts for some flax meal, Toys R Us to look at toys, and the carwash (to wash my car, lol). We found a couple of Mega Bloks Halo and Call of Duty sets at Toys R Us that were on clearance so we ended up getting 3 sets for about the price of one. So that was awesome :-) Got home and played some GTA V, I made frozen pizzas for dinner, and after TH got home we watched a couple of episodes of Prison Break for movie night. Oh, and TK's buddy came over to spend the night. TH went to bed and I took a quick nap then went out Lyfting and Ubering! Finished up and got home about the time that TH was getting up to go to work and the boys were still awake so I hung out with them for a little while then went to bed.

Saturday I slept kinda late, did some laundry and cleaning, and played with TK for a while. We had decided that Wingstop wings sounded good for dinner so TH stopped on his way home to pick them up. Atomic wings - nom :-) He got home and we watched a couple of episodes of Prison Break for movie night, he went to bed and I took a quick nap, then went out Lyfting and Ubering. Again, lol. Got home around the same time and TK was still awake so we stayed up for a while playing GTA V then went to bed.

Sunday I slept until about 6:00 or so then hung out with TK for a while. We built one of the new Call of Duty sets - Zombies!! It's awesome :-) TH got home and we made burgers for dinner. Now I'm at work.

So let's see. Friday night I ended up with 4 Lyfts and 7 Ubers for a total of $143. Saturday night I had 5 Lyfts (plus 2 cancellations that I got paid for) and 3 Ubers (plus one cancellation that I don't think I got paid for) for a total of $190. So that's about $330 for 2 nights of driving :-) That's not counting commission or tips so it could go up or down a little bit. Friday night I had one Lyft that was 6 people crammed into my car for 12 miles and 35 minutes. At one point I stopped to let a couple of them barf on the side of the road, so that was awesome, lol. That ride by itself was $30 and they tipped me $10 :-) Saturday night I picked up a group of 3 kinda douchebag guys and 2 girls to take them to the guys' house. Apparently the girls had met the guys at the bar and didn't really know them very well. They didn't realize that the guys lived like 20 minutes away so by the time we got there one of the girls was freaking out a little bit and didn't want to stay. So I ended up giving her a ride back to her apartment close to downtown because I was headed back there anyway. She didn't have any cash or anything but she did offer to buy me some lunch, lol. I just hope that she'll think twice before she does anything like that again :-/ Oh, and I picked up another Lyft driver! He was taking the night off because it was his buddy's birthday so we got to talk Lyft for the whole ride. And another guy works at a bar downtown and asked for some of my referral cards to hand out to his customers. He was cool too. We talked video games :-) He asked to stop by McDonald's and 7-11 on the way home so my car smelled like french fries after that, lol.

Oh, and Saturday night somebody robbed a convenience store just east of downtown so they had cops and the police helicopter out looking for them for a couple of hours. At one point I got a pickup just down the street from it so I had to drive through there. It was kinda like, you know how in GTA when you're running form the cops and there are police cars and cops and stuff everywhere? Yeah, like that :-D

I think tomorrow I'm going to try to go to bed early so if TH feels like going swimming at 11:00 I can get a little nap first. If not TK and I will go tomorrow afternoon, if it's not raining. Yay, lol.

Noms for the weekend: All keto!!!

Song: Big Sean, Kanye West, Roscoe Dash - Marvin and Chardonnay. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Busy Lyft and Uber weekend!

Worst thing: Tired, kinda.


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