Tuesday, August 19, 2014

August 19

Kinda tired tonight but not too bad. Got home this morning and TK was still awake so we played a little GTA V until TH got up. Hung out with him for a while, thought about trying to go swimming early but we weren't sure if it was going to end up raining or not so we decided to wait. And of course it didn't rain. Sigh. It worked out well though because TK fell asleep on the couch at like 9:30, lol. TH went to work and I went to bed and woke up around 4:00. Couldn't go back to sleep and TK was up so we decided to go swimming. We got over to our favorite pool and it was closed because there was no chlorine. Only the little baby pool was open >:-( It was kinda late but we still really wanted to swim so we went over to the one that's almost as nice but not free. Surprisingly it wasn't very busy! Swam for a couple of hours then headed home. When we got there my neighbor buddy was outside so I stood around and talked to her for a while. TH got home and we made some mystery meat patties and cauliflower for dinner. Lol, they're actually not bad. Plus they're pretty cheap and not super high carb. It's a good little last-minute dinner thing :-)

So my neighbor buddy quit her job yesterday. She was a unit clerk (I think it's called) at the NICU of a local hospital and she said she just got tired of all the drama and bullshit. I told her that our security company needs someone for my site and someone for TH's site so I think she's going to look into it. So yay, lol.

Other than that, not much going on. Still haven't heard anything about the online school :-/ I'm afraid we're not going to get everything finished before school starts on Monday. If we don't, we should really go ahead and send TK to the high school he's supposed to go to but I really don't want him going there, even for a little while. So hopefully we get a definite answer in the next day or two.

Noms for the day: Sunflower seeds this morning. Cheesy patties and cauliflower for dinner. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I have a little bit of fajita salad left over from last night.

Song: Bad Suns - Cardiac Arrest. Another new one! Don't get used to this, lol.

Best thing: Hadn't had a chance to chat with my neighbor buddy in a while. It was nice :-)

Worst thing: My other cop buddy (the one who didn't leave) is on vacation for 2 weeks starting today. I won't have anyone to talk to at work now :-(

Okey dokeys then.

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