Wednesday, August 13, 2014

August 13

Didn't get a chance to write last night but there wasn't much going on so I guess that's ok, lol. Got home yesterday and TK was still awake so I stayed up and played with him for a while. Hung out with TH then went to bed around noon or so. Got up just before TH got home and took a shower, made burgers for dinner, and came to work. It was pretty slow at work, which was nice.

TH was off today and he was awake when I got home so I stayed up. We hung out for a while, watched an episode of Prison Break, then went swimming when the pool opened at 11:00. It's always so nice and quiet early :-) Stopped by HEB on our way home to pick up a couple of things, had some heat-and-eat wings for lunch, and went to bed around 3:30 or so. So I'm kinda tired again tonight. I have iced coffee and a sugar free Rockstar though so I should be ok, lol. It's a little busier here at work than it was last night but still not too bad.

So this morning we had a new guy come in for training. He's supposed to be taking over the Saturday morning shift at my site and the Wednesday Thursday afternoon shifts at TH's site. The kid who was working those shifts called in 'sick' Saturday morning and then just didn't even show up when he was supposed to fill in for someone at TH's site Monday morning. So he got fired, lol. Then tomorrow morning we have another new guy coming in who is supposed to be taking over for the lady who originally started at TH's site so she can go back over there. Which meant that our site would be fully staffed! But...this afternoon the other guy here at work (my buddy) gave his fucking 2 week notice! I knew he was thinking about it because last week he applied for the new overnight watch position at the clubhouse here in the neighborhood we work at. Well, he found out today that he got the job. Sigh. I mean, he'll still be around - he'll be working the same hours as I am so he'll probably be able to come hang out at the gatehouse with me when he's not busy down there. So that will be cool :-) Plus it pays $2/hour more and he'll have at least one weekend night off so he can drive for Uber and Lyft too. But now that means that the big boss will have to find another new person for our site. So it could get interesting. And too, we're still waiting to see what's going to happen over at TH's site. Once they finally get enough people hired for over there, there are supposed to be some...changes. That's all I'm gonna say right now, lol.

I swear though, it's like one big-ass fucking soap opera around here...

Oh, and I bought a couple of new water bottles! I had been drinking my iced coffee out of a 32 ounce Gatorade bottle and that worked alright but it was hard to get the smell out. Especially since I would tend to use the same bottle for coffee and water :-/ So I found a couple of new ones at HEB. I bought one of these in purple for iced coffee and one of these in purple for water. They're awesome :-) I think I might still look around for a water bottle that's a little bit bigger but this one will work fine for now. Plus plus plus, there was a $2 coupon for each one and the smaller one was on clearance so they were super cheap :-)

What else? I got my Uber phone the other day so when I get ready to go out Friday night I can see how it works trying to do both! I'm kinda thinking about going online when I leave here Friday morning too, to see if I can pick up an airport hit or something. That would be cool since I live like, 5 miles from the airport. I'm supposed to get my referral cards from Lyft tomorrow so I can start handing those out this weekend. It gives a new passenger a free ride and I get a $10 referral bonus every time my code is used :-) I got a small stack of them from Uber too but they're just generic blank ones so I need to figure out what my referral code is and write it in. I don't know if they're eventually going to send me some official ones or not.

And, we're still waiting to hear about TK's application to the online high school thing. I think we've finally submitted all of the necessary paperwork. Now it's just processing. I imagine they're pretty freaking busy right now. There are only 11 days until school starts, after all!

Oh, and I emailed Lyft on Sunday about that one ride that wasn't calculated correctly and they still haven't answered me. I'm starting to get a tiny bit irritated >:-( Although I did finally get the problem with my first deposit resolved so I guess they're just a little slow? Dunno.

Noms for the day(s): All keto!! Burger salad yesterday, frozen wings, iced coffee, a couple of flax buns, and (if I get hungry later) leftover breakfast taco stuff for today.

Song: Metric - Youth Without Youth. Random shuffle.

Best thing: New bottles :-)

Worst thing: My buddy's leaving (kinda) :-(


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