Sunday, August 24, 2014

August 24

Sunday night, back at work. Tomorrow is the first day of school so I guess everyone went home early to get ready because it is slower than dog shit here at work. Which works for me, lol. I think tonight was the other guy here at work's last day here, too. He's supposed to work Wednesday and Thursday afternoon but he's having his wisdom teeth yanked Tuesday so he's probably just going to take off. Then he starts the overnight security job down at the clubhouse on September 1st. So we'll still get to hang out some :-)

So Friday morning I went online on the way home and got a Lyft! It was a guy going from down close to my house to downtown. It only took about 20 minutes or so and I got like $16 for it. TK was still awake at home or I might have stayed out a little longer. Stopped by HEB on the way home to pick up some almond milk because I was almost out. Gotta have almond milk for my iced coffees! Got home and played a little GTA V with TK then hung out with TH for a while. We had planned on going swimming at 11:00 when they opened but one of the teachers from the online school called so we chatted with him for a while. Basically it was the "welcome to our school, let's get to know each other" call, lol. After we hung up with him he was going to hold what they call a Live Lesson, which is basically an interactive powerpoint/chat/Skype session with the teacher and all of the students in each class. So that was fun to watch. TK will have one of those for each class every week, so basically a different one every day. So we finally finished up with the school stuff and TH started getting ready for work and TK and I headed to the pool. We were there maybe 20 minutes when they made everyone get out because they had run out of chlorine. Fucking grrrrrrr >:-( We decided it would be too much trouble to try to go to the other pool so we just went and got my car washed, went to Target and farted around for a while, then headed home and hung out until time for me to make pizza for dinner. I made one frozen pizza for TH and TK to share and a cream cheese crust pizza for me and TH to share. Nom nom nom :-) TH got home and we watched a couple of episodes of Prison Break for movie night then he went on to bed. TK and I stayed up a little later but since we hadn't had a nap all day we ended up crashing pretty early. I had kinda already decided to stay home and hang out instead of going out driving so that worked well, lol.

Saturday we slept kinda late, did some laundry and cleaning, then played for a while. I had a pretty bad headache so I ended up taking a nap until time to go out driving so TH and TK made nachos and did movie night without me. TK's buddy came over to spend the night. I'm not sure when he got there but he was there when I woke up, lol. So I headed out around 11:00 and it was actually a pretty busy night! I only ended up with one Uber ride (and like 3 cancellations, grrrr) so I didn't qualify for the hourly guarantee :-( I had 13 Lyfts though, for a total of $154 (after commission). I'm not sure that's 100% right though because I had 3 rides that were supposed to have a 75% "Prime Time" tip added on and it doesn't seem to add up to as much as it should. So I'm hoping it will work itself out on the weekly summary that I get Tuesday. If not I may need to email them and see what's up :-/ So anyway I basically drove around all night and really didn't have much down time, which was kinda cool. I got home around 5:30, just before TH got up to go to work. He left for work and I went to bed around 8:00. Sleeeeep, lol.

Sunday I got up at like 2:00 and TK was already up and his buddy was gone. We had planned on trying to go swimming because it was the last day the good pool was supposed to be opened. Sigh. Lately we've gotten into the habit of calling before we go just in case something is fucked up and they're closed. So I called, and called, and called, for like 30 minutes, and no one ever answered >:-( I figure they ran out of chlorine again and just said fuck it and went home because they were supposed to close at 6:00 anyway. So no more swimming at the good pool until next June :-( So basically TK and I played, I did some more laundry, and made sausages for dinner. TH got home and we hung out until time for me to come to work. I brought my old little netbook to work with me tonight and I'm running all of the updates and shit on it to get it all current. It has a webcam and everything so I figure that it will be perfect for TK to do all of his schoolwork and stuff on. Plus it's super tiny and portable in case we decide to like, go hang out at Starbucks or something and let him study :-)

Oh, and I got my Lyft welcome kit on Friday! I got my fuzzy pink mustache, but it's a little bitty one! Apparently they're no longer sending out the big ones that go on the front of your car. All of the newer drivers get the "cuddle stache" meant to go on the dashboard. Eh, whatever. It's still cute, lol. There was also a 6 foot or so auxiliary cable to hook a phone up to the stereo and play music and a vent-mounted  phone mount, but in turquoise, lol. It's freaking awesome because my iPhone with the Otterbox case will fit in it! I like the windshield mount that Uber sent for its iPhone but it only works without a case. And naked phones make me nervous :-/

So Saturday night I picked up a guy near downtown to take him to a hotel. We got to talking and it turns out that he was the drummer for a relatively well known alternative rock band, here in town for a festival thingie that they had this weekend. So that was cool :-)

Noms for the weekend: All keto!!

Song: Bernard Wright - Haboglabotribin. So, this one is weird but cool, lol. Heard it on one of the radio stations in GTA V.

Best thing: School starts tomorrow so all of the little shits out here at work will be reined in a little bit :-) Plus, TK seems to be kinda excited about his new school thing. So yay!

Worst thing: No swimming :-(


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