Tuesday, August 5, 2014

August 5

Got busy last night and didn't have a chance to write. Not really much going on though. Got home yesterday and TH was awake so I stayed up and hung out with him. Went to bed around 9:00 or so, woke up at like 1:30, played with TK for a while, and took another quick nap. So I was tired last night but it wasn't too bad.

I was seriously tired when I got home this morning though so I went straight to bed. Slept from about 7:00 until 11:30 then couldn't fall back asleep so I got up. Hung out with TH until he left for work, went ahead and made a skillet thing for dinner so it would be ready tonight (taco meat with cabbage, onions, diced tomatoes, and green chilis), then woke TK up and we went swimming for a while! We were there for about an hour and a half and probably would have stayed longer but they had to shut the pool down for a while because the pH was too high. So whatever. Got home and played a little GTA V then I took another short nap. So I'm pretty freaking tired again tonight. Hopefully I'll be able to get some decent sleep tomorrow :-/

I found out last night that the new lady here at work is leaving. Sigh. She actually started over at TH's site, worked there for like a week, then the big boss transferred her over here because we were more shorthanded than they were. And she fucking hates it here so she's been begging to be transferred back ever since. We're supposed to have a new guy coming in sometime this week to train, so she'll probably only be here another week or so. And I really liked her :-( Although she did say that if somehow we ever end up having two people per shift instead of just one like we do now, she'll want to transfer back and work the night shift with me. So that would be pretty cool :-)

Hmmm, what else. Oh yeah - we didn't realize it until it was too late to download it and have time to play, but the last map pack for COD Ghosts came out today! It's supposed to be pretty cool. I think TK is going to try to let it download when he goes to bed tonight so if we have time tomorrow we can check it out :-)

Noms for the day: Back on keto! Nothing for breakfast. Cheese and a couple of Slim Jims when I got up. Iced coffee and a tortilla with peanut butter and blueberries on the way to work. If I get hungry later I have the taco meat stuff for dinner.

Song: Oasis - Wonderwall. Random shuffle.

Best thing: One of the residents here at work told me that I'm their favorite person here because I'm always so nice and friendly :-)

Worst thing: Tired :-/


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