Monday, August 11, 2014

August 11

Holy shit I am tired tonight. I wasn't tired when I got home this morning so I just stayed up. TH got up and we made spam and egg breakfast tacos, watched a couple of episodes of Prison Break, then woke TK up and went swimming! When we got there at 11:00 we were the only ones there for a while. It was awesome :-) Swam til about 12:30 then went home and TH left for work. TK and I stayed up and played for a while then I tried to go to bed but didn't end up falling asleep until like 4:30 :-( So I'm thinking I should be able to go to bed early tomorrow, lol.

So it rained and stormed for some areas in town but we only got a little drizzle at our house. It did drop the temperature, at least. When I left for work it was only 82 instead of 92 like it normally is. So there's that, lol. There was enough lightning at work though to knock out some of the gate arms, which was awesome. I think there's supposed to be another decent chance of rain tomorrow so it should be a good day to sleep early then just kinda hang out at home.

Noms for the day: Spam and egg breakfast taco in a bowl. Sunflower seeds later. Iced coffee and a couple of flax buns on the way to work. If I get hungry later I brought a taco salad. Nom :-)

Song: alt-J - Left Hand Free. A new one!

Best thing: Got my Uber phone today so now I can start Ubering any time I want to! TK says I'll be an Uber Lyfter, lol.

Worst thing: Found out that Robin Williams died today. Sad :-(


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