Sunday, August 3, 2014

August 3

Sunday night. back at work. And I'm tired. And I feel like crap. Sigh. Basically felt like crap all weekend so we didn't do much of anything. Got home Friday and took a nap, woke up after TH left for work, hung out with TK until TH got home, and watched a couple of episodes of Prison Break for movie night. TH brought home dinner from Golden Chick, so nom :-) The chicken tenders are breaded but they're not too bad - only 5.5 carbs each. So I got a 4 piece combo with a diet Dr. Pepper and gave TH my fries and roll. TH went to bed and I didn't feel like Lyfting so TK and I stayed up late.

Saturday we slept kinda late then went to Target, Petsmart, and HEB. We were looking at having some ID tags made for the kitties but the cheapest ones they had at Petsmart were like $8. I think we're going to look around online again because it seems like they're cheaper that way. Got home and played some GTA V, made a couple of frozen pizzas for dinner, watched a couple of episodes of Prison Break after TH got home, and stayed up playing after he went to bed. So no Lyfting again :-/

Sunday we slept late then pretty much just played GTA V until almost time for TH to get home, then I took a quick nap and came to work. We spent all weekend grinding trying to come up with enough money to buy the limited edition July 4th stuff before it went away at midnight Sunday. We ended up needing almost a million dollars!! But we made it :-) So now we have a cool-ass monster truck to drive around and terrorize the city in. Awesome :-)

Oh, and we almost got a new kitten. Almost, lol. TK's buddy texted him Friday night and said that a friend of his had found a little black and white kitten and couldn't keep it so he wanted to see if we could take it. I'm not 100% sure it would have been a good idea, but we said yes. Then the next day he said that his friend's parents decided that she could keep it. So, no kitten. Probably best though because Moose, Hiccup, and Snipe already hate Jim Bob and they pick on him so I can only imagine what they would do to a tiny little kitten. But it would have been soooooo cute!!

So other than that, not much going on. I missed a weekend of Lyfting but I'll be back out there next weekend. I still feel kinda crappy so I'm going to try to get to bed early in the morning. If I feel like it when I wake up we might try to go swimming. Dunno yet.

Noms for the weekend: Nope nope nope!

Song: Chris Brown - I Can Transform Ya. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Managed to get all of the DLC we wanted before it went away!!

Worst thing: Feeling shitty :-(


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