Wednesday, August 20, 2014

August 20

Wednesday night. For some reason it is crazy busy here at work. And traffic on the way here sucked. freaking. ass. I don't know if everybody was drunk or just stupid or what, but it was ridiculous. At least the AC here works though! I was kinda afraid that I would get here tonight and find out that it was fucked up :-/ I was sitting here last night and water started dripping through the ceiling where the AC sits so I guess the drain was backed up. Or something, lol. I shut it down and put the trash can out to catch the water and it eventually stopped. It got hot in here though. Sigh. Everything seems ok now though so either they fixed it or it fixed itself. Either one works for me, lol.

I was seriously tired when I got home this morning so I went straight to bed. Got up around 1:00, hung out with TH and TK for a while, then TH and I went swimming. TK didn't want to go so he stayed home. It was awesome - there were like, 12 people there :-) Swam for a couple of hours then stopped by Walmart to pick up a couple of things. Got home and played a little GTA V with TK and now I'm at work. TH and TK had eggrolls for dinner and I nuked some frozen meatballs and threw them on top of a salad to bring to work.

Bonus picture - Spider with babies :-)


Noms for the day: Nothing this morning. 2 flax buns with peanut butter and a couple of cheese sticks when I got up. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I have the meatball salad.

Song: 50 Cent - My Buddy. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Found a wolf spider here at work last night. You know, the ones that carry their babies on their backs? So cute!!!

Worst thing: Stupid AC problem last night >:-(


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