Monday, August 25, 2014

August 25

Holy crap I am tired. Sigh. But it is totally dead here at work so that helps, lol. So I got home this morning and woke TK up fairly early. He had tried to go to bed early last night but had trouble falling asleep so he was still kinda tired. He should sleep well tonight though :-) We messed around a little bit with the school stuff then I went to bed around 9:00 and TH helped make sure he really got going. I woke up as TH was leaving for work (at like 1:00, grrrrrr) and couldn't fall back asleep so I just got up.

So, let's see. The first day of school was a little rough but I guess that's to be expected. It's definitely different than what he was used to at his old school, lol. TK has a total of 7 classes that need to be worked on daily. For most of them that means do some reading, work on little activities or whatever, and answer questions and stuff. Plus there's an average of one Live Lesson every day since most of the classes have one per week or so. Plus there will be quizzes, essays, and tests scattered throughout the semester. So today when I got up he had finished his World Geography and Biology lessons and was working on Algebra but he was having a hard time with it. I told him to wait until tomorrow morning and we would tackle it together. I think that's going to be his problem subject :-/ He had live lessons in both Algebra and World Geography so he finished with those around 4:00. I let him take a little break and we played some GTA V until about 6:00, then I tried to take another nap (it didn't work) and he did his English and Spanish lessons. He didn't get to the Physical Fitness stuff but nothing is due in that class until Friday so that was ok. Tomorrow should be pretty much the same with the addition of a computer class. Dunno why it didn't start today like everything else, lol.

What else? We still had leftover sausage for dinner so I didn't worry about cooking. I've been thinking about making another chili so I might try to do that for dinner tomorrow. Thinking about waking TK up as soon as I get home in the morning so we can go hiking before we start the school thing. Plus we kinda need to go by HEB for a couple of things. I hate to say it but I'm kinda thinking about ditching the keto thing :-/ Well, kinda. Maybe still be fairly low carb, as in don't go back to eating chips and cookies and shit all the time, but add back in fruits and yogurt and stuff like that. Maybe a few whole grains? Dunno. I'm just getting kinda eh about the whole thing...

Noms for the day: Leftover jalapeno cream cheesy things for breakfast. A couple of low carb tortillas with peanut butter and SF jelly when I got up. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I have a salad and some sausage.

Song: Big Data, Joywave - Dangerous. A new one!

Best thing: Nice and quiet at work :-)

Worst thing: Tired :-/


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