Monday, July 7, 2014

July 7

Well, not much going on today. Got home this morning and I wasn't really tired so I hung out with TH for a while then went to bed. He didn't really feel like swimming today, plus TK had stayed up super late and just gone to bed, so we decided not to go. Got up around 3:00 and hung out with TK for a while. We watched the first 2 The Naked Gun movies because we were bored and TK had never seen them. I had forgotten how freaking funny they are! TH got home and we did breakfast for dinner - peppered bacon, eggs, and flax meal pancakes. Nom nom nom. And now I'm at work. At work, where I found out that our newest new guy (he started last Wednesday) called off for today and tomorrow because he didn't have enough gas money to get to work. Yeah...that looks really good dude. So I finally got to meet the other new-ish guy because he was here to fill in. He works Saturday mornings here and a couple of days over at TH's site and basically just fills in wherever he's needed. Like today and tomorrow, lol. He seems nice enough. He's a video game nerd too, which is kinda cool :-) Oh, and one of our gates fucked up so I had to go out and mess with it. That's always fun :-/

I'm hoping that TH will feel like swimming tomorrow. If not I'll just try to go to bed early and TK and I will go by ourselves. So take that, lol. TH is supposed to be off on Wednesdays and Thursdays but since one of his guys is still out sick, he's going to work Wednesday again. Sigh. Eh, at least it's overtime? They're supposed to be working on getting a new person to take over for the guy who is out sick but we all know how long that takes. At least this week he's going to be off Thursday. Because TRANSFORMERS MOVIE!!!! Ahem.

Noms for the day: Leftover wings for breakfast. A few Slim Jims when I woke up. Iced coffee on the way to work. When I get hungry later I brought my breakfast for dinner stuff :-)

Song: Jack White - Lazaretto. A new one!

Best thing: I found out something realllllllllly awesome, but I can't say anything to anyone yet.
...It's gonna freaking kill me!!!!!!

Worst thing: So I've finally adapted to Windows 8 on my new laptop but I just can't get used to the keyboard! The spacing is all different, and it has a 10-key number pad (my old one didn't), so I keep fucking up when I'm typing. Sigh. First world problems, lol.


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