Thursday, July 3, 2014

July 3

Holy crap I am tired tonight. I actually slept alright but it just wasn't long enough. But it's Thursday night, so yay! It's pretty busy here at work. I guess because most people are off tomorrow they can stay out all night? Dunno. I can only imagine what it will be like tomorrow night when all of the real fireworks shows are going on. I am soooo glad I'm not working then :-)

So I got home this morning and woke TH up because he was going to work early today. Hung out with him for a little bit then went to bed. Got up at like 3:00 and hung out with TK until TH got home, and we went swimming!! We swam for about an hour and a half until a storm popped up and they shut down the pool. Got home and made some burgers for dinner while it stormed its ass off. Luckily though it had stopped by the time we got ready to go watch the fireworks at my work. We got here a little before 9:00 and they didn't start until 9:30 so we got to see the whole show. It was awesome!! My cop buddy showed up just barely too late to watch the fireworks but he was able to hang out for a little bit and chat. And he finally got to meet TH! So that was cool :-) TH and TK went home afterwards and I'm still here. Sigh. Only like, 5 more hours to go though! Yay, lol.

Noms for the day: Nothing for breakfast. Cheese, almonds, and a couple of Slim Jims when I woke up. A burger patty "salad" for dinner. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I brought another little burger patty salad thing.

Song: Three Days Grace - Let You Down. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Fireworks!!!!!

Worst thing: Feet are still pretty sore from last night :-/

Okey dokeys then.

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