Sunday, July 6, 2014

July 6

Sunday night, back at work. It has been super slow so far though, which works for me. I figured today would be pretty busy with everyone coming back after the holiday weekend but the other guy here at work said it was slow earlier too. Weird.

So Friday morning I stopped by Randall's on the way home because they had wings on sale. Nom :-) Got home and everyone was asleep so I took a nap until almost time for TH to leave for work. Got up and TK and I went out to the airport to watch the planes. They have a nice little observation area right by one of the runways so you're like, right there close to them. There are a couple of World War II planes in town for some kind of event and we could see them parked at one of the hangers nearby. We even got to see one of them take off and land, which was awesome! Hung out there for a while then went by Sam's and HEB to pick up a couple of things. TH got home and we had wings for dinner and watched a couple of episodes of Prison Break for movie night. He went to bed and TK and I stayed up for a while playing Lego Star Wars. Oh, and since everyone was setting off fireworks (even though they're illegal in the city limits), we sat outside for a little bit watching our own little ghetto fireworks show, lol.

Saturday we slept kinda late then did some laundry and cleaning. I made a frozen pizza and a keto pizza for dinner, and when TH got home we watched a couple more episodes of Prison Break for movie night. He went to bed and TK and I stayed up until almost 4:00, lol. We played some PC Minecraft and Star Wars Battlefront on the computer, using the emulator that I found. It's awesome because it will even let you play splitscreen :-)

Sunday we slept kinda late again (lol) then went swimming for a while. I didn't really feel like cooking so afterwards we stopped to pick up something for dinner. We decided on Whataburger, and I got a bunless Avocado Bacon Burger. It was seriously good! And I discovered that when you order a bunless burger at Whataburger, it comes in a little tray with the patty and all of the stuff on top. We were taking it home to eat so I added some spinach to it. Nom nom nom. TH ended up getting Taco Bell for dinner on his way home. So he got home and we hung out until time for me to come to work. Right after I got here and before the other guy here at work left, one of our cop buddies showed up so we stood outside chatting with him for almost an hour. That was cool :-) Other than that there's not really much going on out here.

TK and I are trying to convince TH to go swimming tomorrow morning. The pool opens at 11:00, and he has to be at work at 2:30. He usually doesn't leave for work until 1:45 or so, so if we got there when it opened we could swim for a couple of hours and he would still have time to get home and change before he had to leave for work. Makes sense, right? Especially if he skipped a shower. Which, um, I sometimes do when I go to work after we've gone swimming. that gross? I mean, you are basically soaking in super chlorinated water, so it's not like anything nasty is going to survive, right? Right?!?! Hmmmmm :-/

Noms for the weekend: Keto keto keto!!!!

Song: Silversun Pickups - Bloody Mary. Random shuffle.

Best thing: So fuckface pissed off one of the residents the other day. The dude chewed his ass out so bad that he (fuckface) emailed the head of the HOA complaining about it. I fucking love it XD

Worst thing: The top of my foot has started hurting again :-( It's kind of an off and on thing. I hope it's not something serious :-/


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