Wednesday, July 30, 2014

July 30

Once again...holy crap I'm tired. But I had fun today, so there's that. So I got home this morning and went straight to bed, slept from 7:00 or so until 10:30, and got up to go swimming! TK decided he didn't want to go so it was just me and TH. We got over to the pool we always go to but it was closed because the pump was malfunctioning and there was no chlorine. Sigh. So we ended up over at the other one that charges $3 to get in because it's at least less crowded than the one we used to go to. Swam for a couple of hours then got home and hung out until almost 6:00. Took another short nap and now I'm at work. Tired, but at work, lol. TH made burgers for dinner so I brought a burger salad with me.

So, I got my first Lyft deposit today but for some reason it's $15 less than what it was supposed to be so I dunno what's going on. I emailed them to see what's up but they haven't answered yet. I'm a little irritated :-/

Noms for the day: Nothing for breakfast. Cheese and pepperoni before swimming. Sunflower seeds after swimming. Iced coffee and a couple of Slim Jims on the way to work. If I get hungry later I have burger salad :-)

Song: Spoon - Do You. A new one!

Best thing: The other guy here at work brought me a bag full of Tshirts that he can't wear anymore. Some of them are cool :-)

Worst thing: Tired :-/


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