Monday, July 28, 2014

July 28

Holy crap I'm tired tonight. But I've already had a sugar free Rockstar and I'm working on my iced coffee so hopefully that will kick in soon. Had fun today though so it's all good :-) So I stopped on my way home this morning to buy some washer fluid for my car because it ran out. I figured that the gallon would be enough to fill mine up and then top off TH's car but mine took the whole thing and it's still not full. So I stopped and bought another one on my way to work tonight and hopefully that will do both cars. I didn't realize it would hold that much, lol. Got home and TH woke up so I hung out with him for a while. Tried to go to bed around 9:00 but couldn't fall asleep so I just stayed up. Woke TK up a little later and we went swimming at 11:00 when the pool opened. And, TH went with us! It was so awesome :-) There were like, 10 people there. Soooo quiet. We swam for about 2 hours and then were hungry so we stopped by Taco Bell on the way home. I can eat 2 Doritos Locos tacos without really going over my carbs for the day. So nom :-) Got home and ate lunch, TH left for work, I went to bed, and got up at 8:30. Now I'm at work.

TK was tired so he was going to go to bed early so I won't be playing with him tonight. Hopefully tomorrow I can get to bed early so we can hang out when I get up. I need to make dinner too since I didn't tonight.

Noms for the day: Pork rinds and spinach dip for breakfast. Tacos for lunch. Sugar free Rockstar on the way to work. Iced coffee at work, and if I get hungry later I have a little bit of stuffed pepper left over.

Song: Disturbed - Down With The Sickness. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Early swimming!!

Worst thing: Kinda tired :-/


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