Sunday, July 13, 2014

July 13

Sunday night, back at work. On the bright side, I found out Friday morning when fuckface got here that apparently I'm not in trouble. I guess the resident got all pissed off at HOA because of the old policy of just letting people though without signing them in if they were dropping off a resident, so they decided to just change it. Now in theory we are supposed to sign in everyone who comes through as a visitor, but we all know how that works, lol. HOA tried to get all pissed off at security until they reviewed the recording and saw that it looked like the Mustang was following a resident in. So now they're like eh, whatever. So really all I had to do was write an incident report about what happened. Easy enough :-) And apparently, fuckface actually stood up for me and took my side when HOA was being all shitty. So now...I don't know what to think. I guess I'm starting to think maybe he's not as big of a fuckface as it seemed. I'm still gonna call him fuckface on here though. It has a certain...ring to it :-D

So Friday morning fuckface got to work and we talked about all of that for a while. Then I found out that we were supposed to have a new guy come in and train to replace the guy who worked a week, got fired for calling in sick, got rehired because fuckface convinced the big boss that he was gonna work out alright, then quit because he decided that it was too far to drive from his house to out here. Yeah. Ok so this new guy showed up Friday morning but instead of staying here to train, he said that he had sprained his ankle and wasn't going to be able to work. Plus he was like, 80-something years old with bad knees, so there's no way he would have survived standing out here in the heat all day. So he handed in his uniforms and a letter of resignation, and left. We had been counting on this guy to start working Saturday afternoon so suddenly we had 32 hours of open shifts that needed to be filled. I ended up hanging out here for an extra hour helping fuckface come up with a temporary schedule that would work. It was kinda going to suck because I think I ended up with like, three 12 hour days in a row, but it would have been 12 hours of overtime which would have been awesome! So we finished that up and I went home. Stopped by Randall's on the way home to get some of the wings that were on sale. Got home and hung out with TH for a while, took a nap, then got up and played with TK. TH got home and we had wings for dinner and watched a couple of episodes of Prison Break. TH went to bed and TK and I stayed up hanging out and watching Axe Cop. It's on Hulu now! And it is...interesting, lol. I think we went to bed around 2:00 or so.

Saturday we slept kinda late, did some laundry and cleaning, and then played! Thursday night I had seen that GTA V was on sale on the Xbox store for half off ($30!!). We had been wanting to get it for a while but I wasn't 100% sure TK is quite old enough for it yet. But when I saw it on sale I was just like, fuck it, lol. Especially since a preowned copy is still going for like $55 at Gamestop. Plus, we've figured out that if we download it right, we can put a digital copy of a game on both consoles and only have to buy it once :-) I did tell TK to stay out of the in-game strip clubs for a couple more years, lol. However, I had forgotten how long it takes to download a big-ass game (16 G!) and all of its updates, so we didn't actually get a chance to play it until Saturday. So Saturday we played :-) And it is awesome!!! So we played that until time for TH to get home, made burgers for dinner and watched a couple of episodes of Prison Break, then TH went to bed and we basically stayed up all night :-)

Sunday I ended up sleeping until 7:00 (because we had stayed up all night, lol). Got up and took a shower before TH got home, then hung out with him until time to come to work. We had leftovers for dinner so I didn't worry about cooking. And now I'm here, and I brought the Xbox to work so I can ply GTA V with TK when it slows down a little bit :-)

Oh and let's see...first we were going to have a new guy work this week, so no overtime. Then the new guy quit before he started, so overtime! Then the big boss found another new person to take over, so no overtime. Then the new new person flaked out, so overtime! Then they found a flex officer to cover it all, so no overtime. I swear, it's like a fucking soap opera around here!!

Noms for the weekend: Keto!!

Song: White Zombie - More Human Than Human. Random shuffle.

Best thing: I'm not in trouble at work!!!

Worst thing: Cramps all weekend :-/


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