Thursday, July 10, 2014

July 10

So...yeah. It has been a busy couple of days and I haven't had a chance to write. But yay, it's Thursday night, lol. Busy here at work traffic wise but not really much going on. Thankfully :-)

So let's see. Tuesday morning I got home and TK was still awake so we played a little Lego Star Wars 3. TH got up and we hung out for a while. I went to bed kinda late and got up in time to make dinner. I made some chicken/chorizo/cabbage stuff for dinner. Went to work and it was busy! One of my cop buddies came by and I stood outside talking to him for like an hour. Plus the other guy at work and TK were both texting me, so by the time I had a chance to write it was like 2:00. So I just  said fuck it, lol.

Wednesday morning I woke TH up when I got home because he was going in to work early. Hung out with him for a while then went to bed. Woke up at 4:00, and when he got home we went swimming for a couple of hours. Got home and made breakfast for dinner again - sausage, eggs, and flax pancakes. Hung out for a while and had dinner, then I went to work. Not too long after I got there, I had a couple of residents show up asking if I had seen a specific vehicle enter, because it was down in the neighborhood driving recklessly and had almost hit a couple of people. I had seen that vehicle, but we're not allowed to give out that kind of information to residents, only law enforcement, and that is what I told them. They called the Sheriff's office to file a report and the responding officer was one of my buddies :-) I told him that the vehicle in question was dropping off a resident, and where I thought the vehicle had gone. Well, they went down to the address I gave, and it was the wrong house. Oops :-/ So now everyone is all pissed off at me because I didn't have the vehicle logged in. Even though our policy is to let them in, no questions asked, if they say that they are a resident, a club member, or if they have a resident or a club member in the car. Fuck me, right? Now though, they want us to log in any cars dropping off residents, but only if the driver is between 16-25 years old. Yeah, that's gonna go over really well...

This morning I got home and woke TH up because we were planning on going to see the Transformers movie!!! We thought that the first showing was at 10:00, but that turned out to be a 3D showing. We're not really that interested in the 3D version. So since the theater closest to us had their first showing at 12:15, I was able to get a little bit of a nap first. Yay! Woke up and went to see the movie, and it was AWESOME!!! Kinda sucks that there wasn't much Dinobot action though. I wubs Grimlock :-) Afterwards TH and TK wanted to go to Golden Corral for lunch but I didn't so they dropped me off at home. I ended up going back to sleep around 6:00 so I got another tiny nap. And now I'm at work, hearing about all of the bitching about what happened last night. I think everything's going to end up alright, I just need to write an incident report about it. HOA was kinda pissed about that part, even though I asked my boss this morning if I should have written one and he said no. So fuck em, lol.

Man, I am so fucking glad that it's Thursday. I'm thinking that if I go home in the morning and get a nap TK and I might go swimming later. Or actually, since TK wants his buddy to spend the night, I can skip the nap to hang out with TH before he goes to work, take TK and his buddy (and buddy's sister, by default) swimming, let the buddy spend the night, and by the time movie night is over I'll be ready for bed when TH is so I don't have to entertain them all night. Nyahahahahahahahaha. Ahem.

Noms for the...days: KETO!!!!!!

Song: Imagine Dragons - Battle Cry. From the Transformers movie :-)

Best thing: Transformers movie!!!!!

Worst thing: Stupid fucking shit at work >:-(


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