Thursday, July 17, 2014

July 17

Thursday night, yay!! So, I got busy last night and didn't get a chance to write. Not really much going on, though. Got home yesterday and TK was still awake so we played for a while. TH got up and I hung out with him, went to bed kinda late, and slept until almost time to come to work. I split the steak dinner that a resident gave me with TH so I didn't worry about cooking. It rained a little bit off and on all day, really just enough to kinda get everything wet. We had thought about going swimming but it was TH's only day off so he just wanted to hang out and do nothing, lol. After it slowed down at work last I played some GTA V with TK until he got sleepy. He crashed out around 2:30 or so - I think he had been awake for like, 24 hours at that point. So that was fun.

Before I left work this morning I got to meet the new lady. I like her :-) I hope she sticks around for a while! Got home and woke TH up because he had to go in to work early. Made some Spam and egg breakfast tacos, hung out with him until he left for work, went to bed, and got up after he got home. He stopped at Sam's on his way home but tomorrow TK and I need to go by the other one for like, 3 things. Kinda sucks that neither one has everything that we need. He got home and we had leftovers for dinner. It kinda rained a little bit earlier today but by the time I got up it was seriously storming. The rain has slacked off a little bit now but there's still plenty of lightning out there. It's supposed to start back up here in a little bit and I guess basically rain all night. Which we need :-)

Noms for the day(s) - Keto!!!!

Song: Saliva - Fuck All Y'all. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Nice new lady at work :-)

Worst thing: Foot still hurts :-/


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