Tuesday, July 15, 2014

July 15

Not much going on today. I stopped by Randall's on my way home this morning for a cabbage and some peanut butter. I got a strange look from the cashier, lol. TK was still awake when I got home so we played for a little while. TH got up and I hung out with him, went to bed kinda late, and woke up just before he got home from work. We made breakfast for dinner - sausage, eggs, and flax pancakes. It rained off and on all day and by the time I got ready to leave for work it was pouring. Now it's down to a light drizzle. I think it's supposed to do this off and on for the next couple of days as a front moves through. They're calling it a "cold front", lol. It's supposed to drop the temperatures down into the mid to low 90's instead of the high 90's. Yayyyy.

So right after I got to work tonight one of the residents called up here complaining about someone ringing his doorbell and running away. I'm like, dude I'm up here at the gate and can't do anything about it. Call the Sheriff's office. That was like, two hours ago and I haven't seen a cop yet, lol. He seemed to think it was super high priority but yeah, if they've got other stuff going on that's gonna be the last thing they worry about :-D

Noms for the day: Peanut butter and blueberries on a low carb tortilla for breakfast. 2 sausage patties before I left for work. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I brought some flax pancakes and I still have leftover chicken and roasted veggies.

Song: The Offspring - Self Esteem. Random shuffle.

Best thing: One of my residents is the co-owner of one of the little restaurants here in the neighborhood. He brought me some steak, veggies, mashed potatoes, and macaroni (TH will get the potatoes and macaroni). They wubs me :-)

Worst thing: I was breaking down a box this morning and sliced the tip of my index finger open on a staple. Fucking hurts, and the bandage is in a weird spot :-(


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