Wednesday, July 2, 2014

July 2

Ehhhhhhhhh. So, I'm at work right now. I've been here since 7:00, three freaking hours earlier than normal, because the other guy here at work called in sick. Sigh. And holy crap at the people!!! My feet are so fucking sore from standing outside that long :-/ On the bright side though, it meant that fuckface ended up staying five hours late. He looked seriously hot and tired when I got here. Lol XD

So, I got home this morning and woke TH up because he had to go in to work early. Hung out with him for a little while then went to bed kinda early. The big boss dude called and woke me up at like noon to see if I could come in early tonight and I was never quite able to go back to sleep. Sigh. Got up and played some Lego Star Wars with TK, baked some chicken leg quarters for dinner, then hung out with TH after he got home until it was time to leave for work. Early :-P

We had kinda thought about trying to go swimming after TH got home today but obviously that didn't work out. He works until 4:00 again tomorrow but I don't know if we'll have time to go swimming after he gets home and still get out here where I work early enough to watch the fireworks. Because fireworks :-) We'll see. The only thing that might kinda suck is that we have a new guy coming in to train tomorrow afternoon, so it will be the new guy, the other guy at work, probably the other guy at work's roommate, the roommate's wife and kid, and the wife's brother. Too many freaking extra people >:-( Hopefully not though!

Noms for the day: Nothing for breakfast. Cheese and a couple of Slim Jims when I woke up. A piece of chicken for dinner. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I still have some leftover cabbage stuff.

Song: Slipknot - Duality. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Yay, overtime?

Worst thing: Sooooo many people :-/


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