Tuesday, April 8, 2014

April 8

Not much going on today. Got home and got TK off to school, hung out with TH for a little while, and went to bed. Got up a little after TK got home, played some Pixelmon with him until TH got home, and had leftovers for dinner. And that's pretty much it, lol.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 2 chocolate peanut butter bites. A leftover piece of pizza when I got up. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I have some cheese and pepperoni or some leftover fajita salad.

Song: Savage Garden - Tears of Pearls. Random shuffle. This album was one of the first ones I bought when I got my first car :-)

Best thing: I brought our little pedal exerciser thingie to work with me tonight and used it for a while :-)

Worst thing: I think TK might be trying to get sick. He's been kinda snotty :-/


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