Sunday, April 27, 2014

April 27

Holy crap. I am tired, sunburned, sore, and my feet are killing me. But...TK and I had SO MUCH FUN TODAY!!! So there was this open house/festival type thing at the local military base this weekend. Normally that's the kind of thing I would stay far, far away from because of how many people would be there. But we went today!! And it was awesome :-) Kinda crowded and really fucking hot (96!!), but awesome. They did a helicopter and parachute demo, we got to check out the museum and hold a bunch of different guns, and there was a WWII battle re-enactment. With tanks and everything!! TK had a fucking blast! It's times like this though that I wish TH didn't have to work all weekend because it would have been even more fun with him there. Sigh :-(

So anyway, I went home Friday and got TK off to school, made some breakfast, and watched a couple of episodes of Lost with TH. He went to work and I took a nap until a little after TK got home from school, then we went to HEB to pick up a couple of things. Oh, and I ran into a friend from high school! She's really nice and she was fun to hang out with, but she was always really big on the whole church thing. And not. So I dunno. We exchanged phone numbers so we'll see what happens. On our way out there was a lady standing there with a full cart of groceries that had been there when we went in. She stopped us and asked if we lived off in "that direction" (kinda south of the store). I said no, we were going the other way. Turns out that she lives like 2.5 miles from the store and had been waiting for a cab for like an hour and a half :-/ Normally I wouldn't do this, but she really seemed harmless and kinda desperate so we offered her a ride. She paid us $15, even though I tried to tell her it wasn't that big of a deal. So that was cool :-) We ended up getting home just after TH did so we put up the groceries, made something quick for dinner, and watched The Lego Movie for movie night. It was cute!! After the movie I was still tired so I went on to bed when TH did.

Saturday we slept a little late, did some cleaning, laundry, and the usual weekend chores. And, I dyed my hair! It's normally a lightish brown with a tiny hint of red so I did Chocolate Covered Cherry. It's like a darker reddish-brown. It's so cute!! Played some Pixelmon until almost time for TH to get home, made some chicken fajitas, and watched the new Captain America movie for movie night. I went to bed when TH did because I was tired again.

And then Sunday...well, you know, lol. We got up early and went to that, got home around 3:30, took a shower, and played a little Pixelmon with TK. I took a nap at about 6:30 and got up at 8:30. And now I'm at work. I stopped by Walgreen's on the way here and bought some aloe vera sunburn gel type stuff. It seems to work pretty well! I'll have to make sure to put some on TK in the morning because he's pretty red too. I completely and totally forgot about sunblock today :-/ We did both wear a hat but at one point we went back to the car for something and TK left his hat in the car, so he ended up wearing mine for the rest of the day. So, ouch, lol.

So....that was our weekend!! I'm kinda thinking that I'll try to go home and go to bed early in the morning. I stayed up late almost every morning last week so I didn't really get to spend much time with TK in the afternoons :-/ Plus I imagine that I will still be pretty tired by the time I get off, lol.

Noms for the weekend: All keto!!!

Song: Jason Derulo - Talk Dirty To Me. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Awesome weekend!!

Worst thing: Stupid sunburn :-(


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