Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April 1

Tuesday night! After tonight I'm halfway through the week, since I'm working this Friday night. So yay! Not really much going on today. I stopped by Randall's on my way home this morning to pick up a few things. Everyone was awake when I got home so we got TK off to school, made some breakfast, and watched a couple of episodes of Lost. We finished season 1! I'm really liking it so far :-) Went to bed kinda late and woke up when TK got home but I was still tired so I slept a little later. TH got home and we just kinda scrounged for dinner since I hadn't cooked. And now I'm at work (again, lol).

So today was April Fools Day :-) This morning at Randall's I bought a couple of small bags of Skittles, a couple of small bags of M&M's, and some superglue. I managed to open the M&M's very carefully and replaced them with the Skittles. I put one in TK's lunch and the other in TH's backpack. I also set TK's phone to where it every time it autocorrected something it would say the word. Oh, and I set a keyboard shortcut so that when he tried to type "lol" it would autocorrect to "I farted". And when he went to open a can of ravioli for dinner I had switched the labels on it so that he opened a can of green beans. It was freaking hilarious XD The only other thing I did to TH was go into his Netflix profile and set his last 4-5 shows watched as My Little Pony, Care Bears, and shit like that. So that way when he opened the app that would be the first thing he saw. All in all I would say it was a pretty successful April Fools Day, lol.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 3 eggs, 3 sausage patties, and shredded cheese. Lunch when I woke up - 2 flax buns with peanut butter. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I brought some tuna and pork rinds.

Song: Weebl's Stuff - Amazing Horse. This one's really short but holy shit it has been stuck in my head for weeks!

Best thing: April Fools Day :-)

Worst thing: So we found out yesterday that some guy has threatened to kill one of our residents here at work. Apparently the resident is a doctor who decided that this guy was well enough to go to jail for something instead of being hospitalized. So that could get interesting if this guy shows up :-/

Yep yep yep.

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