Monday, April 14, 2014

April 14

So, I've got this tooth that has been broken for a while. 6 months or so, probably. Well, today it started hurting. Like, seriously hurting. I even dug around in the medicine cabinet and found some slightly out-of-date Vicodin and that did absolutely nothing to help. So I have a dentist appointment early Wednesday morning to get it checked out. Sigh. That is, if I live that long. Because it seriously fucking hurts >:-( started raining a little on my way home this morning and I could feel that the wind was shifting. Got home and got TK off to school, watched an episode of Lost with TH, and tried to go to bed. I say tried because it seems like I had just fallen asleep when the sky fucking fell out. We got a wicked thunderstorm - lightning, high winds, hail, everything. So I got up and stayed up until that was over. I didn't end up going to bed until almost time for TH to go to work. I got up a little after TK got home so I'm kinda tired tonight. Oh, and the whole tooth thing :-/

Other than that, not really much going on. It's still kinda windy and pretty cool out tonight. Oh and there's a lunar eclipse happening that started about half an hour ago. It's supposed to be a blood moon, which should be cool. I wish I had a decent camera so I could get a good picture of it! Somehow I don't think my iPhone is gonna be much help here, lol.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - cheese, pepperoni, sour cream, and pork rinds. Snack when I woke up - low carb ice cream. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I have leftover tuna salad.

Song: Eminem, Rihanna - The Monster. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Lunar eclipse!!

Worst thing: Stupid toothache >:-(


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