Tuesday, April 29, 2014

April 29

Not much going on today. Still sunburned and sore, and kinda tired because I didn't sleep well today. Sigh. So I stopped by Randall's on my way home this morning to pick up a couple of things, got home and got TK off to school, and stayed up for a little while with TH. He decided to go ahead and spray the weed killer stuff this morning so the kitties were stuck inside most of the day. And they were not happy about it, lol. I went to bed a little late and actually woke up before TK got home but couldn't go back to sleep. So I was up when he got home. Hung out with him and played some Pixelmon until TH got home, made some dinner, and now I'm at work. Woohoo, lol.

Tomorrow...I dunno. I know that TH wants me to stay up and watch stuff with him but if I'm as tired as I am right now I may just go on to bed early. I guess maybe if I go to bed early I could get up early and we could watch some stuff later? We'll see.

Noms for the day: Nothing for breakfast. 2 flax buns with peanut butter when I woke up. 2 little steak patties with cheese sauce for dinner at home. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I still have some cheese and pepperoni.

Song: Muse - Uprising. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: I got a package from the lady on Reddit that I sent our old iPhone to! I totally meant to take pictures but I forgot, lol. She made me a blanket, a couple of hand towels, a couple of  Minecraft creeper catnip toys, and 5 cat beds! So awesome :-)

Worst thing: Tired and feeling blah :-(

Yep yep yep.

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