Wednesday, April 16, 2014

April 16

So, they yanked it. Ouch. Like, seriously ouch. On the bright side though, I don't have a toothache anymore. So yay! I had kinda wanted to wait until Friday to get it done but then I figured since I was there, and they could do it today, I might as well get it done. Because it wasn't going to quit hurting until I could do it. So now I'm here at work all drugged up and still drooling a little bit. Sigh. The bleeding actually stopped pretty quick - by the time I went to bed I had taken the gauze out. Now it's just oozing a little. And if I could keep my freaking tongue out of it that would probably help, too. Poop :-/

So anyway, after it hurt all freaking night I got home this morning, got TK off to school, and TH and I went to the dentist. They did an exam and all of the X-rays and shit, and extracted the tooth. They also made up a "treatment plan" for me, to the tune of almost $6,000. Turns out I have the beginnings of some kind of freaking gum disease or whatever, so I need to go back for a regular cleaning, a special "gum therapy treatment", a couple of fillings, a root canal or 2, and 2 or 3 crowns. Yeah. I'm going back next Wednesday for the post-op check and the regular cleaning. All the rest will have to be done as we can afford it. Stupid genetics and bad teeth >:-( My dad had horrible teeth, and my mom ended up with dentures before she was 30. TH hasn't had nearly the problems I have and luckily so far TK seems to have taken after him in that department. So yay!

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 2 scrambled eggs, 2 sausage patties, and shredded cheese. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later TH made the buffalo chicken soup and I brought some of that.

Song: Avril Lavigne - What The Hell. Random shuffle.

Best thing: No toothache tonight!!

Worst thing: Stupid dentist thingie >:-(


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