Wednesday, April 23, 2014

April 23

Man, I thought I was tired last night. Poop. Just...poop. So since I had my dentist appointment today I planned on going home this morning and trying to take a nap. But as usual whenever I can go home and go to bed early or need to go home and go to bed early, I wasn't tired when I got off work. So I got home, got TK off to school, made breakfast, and watched a couple of episodes of Lost with TH. Went to do the dentist thing at noon and honestly, it wasn't as bad as I had expected. I mean, don't get me wrong - it wasn't fun or anything. But it wasn't horrible. I'm pretty sure the super deep cleaning gum treatment thingie that I still need won't be quite as pleasant, though :-/ So I finished up there, went home, hung out with TH for a while, and went to bed around 3:30. Got up at 8:00 and now I'm at work. At least I have a Monster, lol.

And and teeth are soooooo freaking shiny now, I can't stop looking at them! XD I haven't had a cleaning in like, forever (because I'm fucking terrified of the dentist), and they were pretty bad. But now they're all nice and purty, lol. And the good(?) news is that I was approved for the in-house financing that the dentist offers so I can actually have all of the work done that I need. So it's going to be a long and probably whiny couple of months while I work on getting my shit fixed but once I do, it's going to be awesome!

Noms for the day: Breakfast - pepperoni and egg breakfast taco on a low-carb tortilla. A sugar free Monster on the way to work. When I get hungry later I have half of a leftover stuffed chicken breast and/or a leftover breakfast taco.

Song: Nine Inch Nails - Only. Random shuffle again. The video's pretty cool, too.

Best thing: I think I mentioned the other day that I helped a lady find her dog? She came by this morning before I got off and brought me a pretty little vase of roses to say thank you :-)

Worst thing: Tiiiiiiiiired :-/


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