Monday, April 21, 2014

April 21

Monday night, and for some reason it's been kinda busy here at work. I don't get it. I got busy and distracted last night so I didn't really have a chance to write. Not really much going on, though. Friday morning I went home and took a nap because everyone was still asleep. TH woke me up when he was ready to make breakfast and we did bacon and eggs. Nom. We also put together some stuffed chicken breasts for dinner, so all I had to do later was cook them. So that was cool. We watched a few episodes of Lost, then he went to work and TK and I hung out and played some Minecraft. I made dinner before he got home and we watched a couple more episodes of Lost for movie night. He went on to bed and TK and I stayed up for a little bit.

Saturday we slept kinda late, did some laundry and cleaning, and went to HEB to pick up a few things. Stopped by Walgreens to look at toys and bought TH some Whoppers and TK a little carrot-shaped baggie of candy corn for Easter. I found a little package of cocoa-roasted almonds :-) Got home and played a little Minecraft, then I made a frozen pizza for them for dinner. I really wasn't hungry and didn't feel very good so I went on to bed early. I think they watched a movie without me but I'm not sure.

Sunday I woke up when TH went to work (early!) and couldn't go back to sleep so I just kinda hung out by myself and watched a little Netflix. Took another nap until TK got up, did another load of laundry and played with him for a while, then had leftovers for dinner after TH got home. Work was kinda busy but not too annoying. I was glad to see that there weren't any Easter goodies here for me to stare at all night, lol.

Got home Monday morning and got TK off to school, made some breakfast, and watched a couple of episodes of Lost with TH. Went to bed kinda late and got up a little after TK got home. Played a little Minecraft with him then made burgers and fries (green beans for me) for dinner. And now I'm at work. They were calling for a chance for some strong thunderstorms and stuff again but most of it ended up passing us by. We got just a little bit of rain as I was leaving for work. So yay!

Tomorrow...I dunno. I can either go home and go to bed early, which means that I get up when TK gets home so I get to see him, but I don't really get to see TH. Or I can go home and stay up for a while with TH, which means that I go to bed late and get up late, so I get to see TH but not really TK. Sigh. Sometimes I wish there was another option - do whichever one I fucking want to do and have a little free time to myself. But, not gonna happen. Sigh.

Anyway. My tooth thing is doing much better. It's still a little sore but I think it has actually healed up. I managed to get away with only taking 2 of the Vicodin that the dentist prescribed so that was good. I have to go back Wednesday (at fucking noon!!) to have it checked and have the regular cleaning done. Ugh. Then we can start talking about the super fucking expensive ultra cleaning and gum treatment shit. I am so not looking forward to any of this :-/

Noms for the weekend: All keto!!!

Song: Gnarls Barkley - Crazy. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Helped a lady find her dog this morning!! She came by the gatehouse looking for it and I remembered seeing a post on the Facebook group that someone had found that kind of dog. So yay!!

Worst thing: Still feeling kinda eh. Tooth thingie, cramps,and just blah in general :-(


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