Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April 30

Kinda hard to believe that it's already the last day of April! Crazy. So the sunburn is feeling better. It's really just a small part of my chest that is still bad. Everything else is still red but tolerable. My legs are still sore but not as bad as yesterday. So yay! Hopefully now if we get out and do something again this weekend I won't overdo it like last time, lol.

So I got home this morning and TH woke up early so I went on to bed. Got up a little after TK got home and we made burgers and cauliflower for dinner. TH and I watched the new Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and an episode of Lost. Now I'm at work. It hasn't been very busy tonight which is nice. My sheriff buddy came by earlier but he couldn't stay and chat because he had a trainee with him. Other than that not really much going on.

Noms for the day: Nothing for breakfast. A hamburger patty and cauliflower for lunch after I woke up. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I brought another hamburger patty with some cauliflower.

Song: Sublime - Wrong Way. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Good sleep!

Worst thing: Still kinda sore. Not too bad, though.


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

April 29

Not much going on today. Still sunburned and sore, and kinda tired because I didn't sleep well today. Sigh. So I stopped by Randall's on my way home this morning to pick up a couple of things, got home and got TK off to school, and stayed up for a little while with TH. He decided to go ahead and spray the weed killer stuff this morning so the kitties were stuck inside most of the day. And they were not happy about it, lol. I went to bed a little late and actually woke up before TK got home but couldn't go back to sleep. So I was up when he got home. Hung out with him and played some Pixelmon until TH got home, made some dinner, and now I'm at work. Woohoo, lol.

Tomorrow...I dunno. I know that TH wants me to stay up and watch stuff with him but if I'm as tired as I am right now I may just go on to bed early. I guess maybe if I go to bed early I could get up early and we could watch some stuff later? We'll see.

Noms for the day: Nothing for breakfast. 2 flax buns with peanut butter when I woke up. 2 little steak patties with cheese sauce for dinner at home. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I still have some cheese and pepperoni.

Song: Muse - Uprising. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: I got a package from the lady on Reddit that I sent our old iPhone to! I totally meant to take pictures but I forgot, lol. She made me a blanket, a couple of hand towels, a couple of  Minecraft creeper catnip toys, and 5 cat beds! So awesome :-)

Worst thing: Tired and feeling blah :-(

Yep yep yep.

Monday, April 28, 2014

April 28

Well, I'm still pretty sunburned but it doesn't hurt quite as bad as it did last night. My feet aren't really sore anymore, and I got some decent sleep so I'm not really tired. So yay! My legs, however, are so fucking sore that it hurts to move. Sigh. I definitely did a lot more walking Sunday than I have in a long time. It's okay though - whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?

So I got home this morning and got TK off to school, went to bed kinda early, and got up when he got home. Got all of the laundry put up and took the trash out then played a little Pixelmon with him until time for TH to get home. We still had leftover fajita stuff so I didn't worry about cooking dinner. And now I'm at work. TH bought some weed killer stuff that he wants to use on the yard but if he does we need to keep the cats locked in the house for a few hours until it has a chance to dry. So if we catch them all in the house before I go to bed tomorrow he'll go ahead and do it before he goes to work. This could get interesting, lol. They like to be able to come and go as they please so they're not going to be happy about this.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 2 flax buns with ham. Iced coffee on the way to work. Cheese, pepperoni, and almonds when I got here. If I get hungry later I still have some fajita stuff.

Song: Filter - Welcome To The Fold. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Decent sleep today!

Worst thing: My everything is sore :-/


Sunday, April 27, 2014

April 27

Holy crap. I am tired, sunburned, sore, and my feet are killing me. But...TK and I had SO MUCH FUN TODAY!!! So there was this open house/festival type thing at the local military base this weekend. Normally that's the kind of thing I would stay far, far away from because of how many people would be there. But we went today!! And it was awesome :-) Kinda crowded and really fucking hot (96!!), but awesome. They did a helicopter and parachute demo, we got to check out the museum and hold a bunch of different guns, and there was a WWII battle re-enactment. With tanks and everything!! TK had a fucking blast! It's times like this though that I wish TH didn't have to work all weekend because it would have been even more fun with him there. Sigh :-(

So anyway, I went home Friday and got TK off to school, made some breakfast, and watched a couple of episodes of Lost with TH. He went to work and I took a nap until a little after TK got home from school, then we went to HEB to pick up a couple of things. Oh, and I ran into a friend from high school! She's really nice and she was fun to hang out with, but she was always really big on the whole church thing. And not. So I dunno. We exchanged phone numbers so we'll see what happens. On our way out there was a lady standing there with a full cart of groceries that had been there when we went in. She stopped us and asked if we lived off in "that direction" (kinda south of the store). I said no, we were going the other way. Turns out that she lives like 2.5 miles from the store and had been waiting for a cab for like an hour and a half :-/ Normally I wouldn't do this, but she really seemed harmless and kinda desperate so we offered her a ride. She paid us $15, even though I tried to tell her it wasn't that big of a deal. So that was cool :-) We ended up getting home just after TH did so we put up the groceries, made something quick for dinner, and watched The Lego Movie for movie night. It was cute!! After the movie I was still tired so I went on to bed when TH did.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

April 24

Thursday night! I didn't sleep as long as I thought I would today but I'm not too tired. Which is nice :-) So I got home this morning, got TK off to school, made some breakfast, and watched the new Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and a couple of episodes of Lost with TH. Went to bed a little late and got up at 8:00. TH made sausage balls for dinner. Nom :-) Other than that, not really much going on. I'm just glad it's almost my weekend!!

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 3 eggs, 3 sausage patties, and shredded cheese. Iced coffee and a sausage ball on my way to work. If I get hungry later I still have a leftover breakfast taco and a few more sausage balls.

Song: Chumbawamba - Tubthumping. Random shuffle.

Best thing: I had 2 separate people randomly compliment me on my hair yesterday :-)

Worst thing: Soooo many tiny little bugs flying around outside tonight! Super annoying because they keep trying to go up my nose >:-(

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

April 23

Man, I thought I was tired last night. Poop. Just...poop. So since I had my dentist appointment today I planned on going home this morning and trying to take a nap. But as usual whenever I can go home and go to bed early or need to go home and go to bed early, I wasn't tired when I got off work. So I got home, got TK off to school, made breakfast, and watched a couple of episodes of Lost with TH. Went to do the dentist thing at noon and honestly, it wasn't as bad as I had expected. I mean, don't get me wrong - it wasn't fun or anything. But it wasn't horrible. I'm pretty sure the super deep cleaning gum treatment thingie that I still need won't be quite as pleasant, though :-/ So I finished up there, went home, hung out with TH for a while, and went to bed around 3:30. Got up at 8:00 and now I'm at work. At least I have a Monster, lol.

And and teeth are soooooo freaking shiny now, I can't stop looking at them! XD I haven't had a cleaning in like, forever (because I'm fucking terrified of the dentist), and they were pretty bad. But now they're all nice and purty, lol. And the good(?) news is that I was approved for the in-house financing that the dentist offers so I can actually have all of the work done that I need. So it's going to be a long and probably whiny couple of months while I work on getting my shit fixed but once I do, it's going to be awesome!

Noms for the day: Breakfast - pepperoni and egg breakfast taco on a low-carb tortilla. A sugar free Monster on the way to work. When I get hungry later I have half of a leftover stuffed chicken breast and/or a leftover breakfast taco.

Song: Nine Inch Nails - Only. Random shuffle again. The video's pretty cool, too.

Best thing: I think I mentioned the other day that I helped a lady find her dog? She came by this morning before I got off and brought me a pretty little vase of roses to say thank you :-)

Worst thing: Tiiiiiiiiired :-/


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April 22

Holy crap I am tired tonight. Got home this morning, got TK off to school, and watched a couple of episodes of Lost with TH. I didn't end up going to bed until after noon so I slept until about 7:30. Tomorrow I've got that stupid dentist thing at noon so I need to try to go to bed as soon as I get home in the morning. Hopefully I can get a decent nap beforehand and maybe another one afterwards. Sigh. I really don't want to do this :-/

Noms for the day: Sunflower seeds this morning. Iced coffee and almonds on the way to work. Cheese and pepperoni after I got here. If I get hungry later I still have a couple of sausage patties here at work.

Song: The Offspring - Why Don't You Get A Job?. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Tooth feels much better!

Worst thing: Tired :-/


Monday, April 21, 2014

April 21

Monday night, and for some reason it's been kinda busy here at work. I don't get it. I got busy and distracted last night so I didn't really have a chance to write. Not really much going on, though. Friday morning I went home and took a nap because everyone was still asleep. TH woke me up when he was ready to make breakfast and we did bacon and eggs. Nom. We also put together some stuffed chicken breasts for dinner, so all I had to do later was cook them. So that was cool. We watched a few episodes of Lost, then he went to work and TK and I hung out and played some Minecraft. I made dinner before he got home and we watched a couple more episodes of Lost for movie night. He went on to bed and TK and I stayed up for a little bit.

Saturday we slept kinda late, did some laundry and cleaning, and went to HEB to pick up a few things. Stopped by Walgreens to look at toys and bought TH some Whoppers and TK a little carrot-shaped baggie of candy corn for Easter. I found a little package of cocoa-roasted almonds :-) Got home and played a little Minecraft, then I made a frozen pizza for them for dinner. I really wasn't hungry and didn't feel very good so I went on to bed early. I think they watched a movie without me but I'm not sure.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

April 17

Thursday night! TK is out of school tomorrow for Good Friday, which is awesome. Unfortunately the kids out here where I work are also out of school tomorrow. That's not so awesome. It has been busier than fuck tonight with all of the kids in and out and of course, people visiting for Easter. Sigh. At least it's almost over! My tooth is much better today, too. It's still pretty sore and kinda swollen but much, much better. I'm still taking the antibiotic (of course) but I haven't taken another Vicodin since I got to work Wednesday night. Ibuprofen has been enough to keep it bearable. So yay!

So I got home this morning, got TK off to school, made some breakfast, and watched the new Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and a couple of episodes of Lost with TH. Went to bed around noon, got up at 8:00, and now I'm at work. We still had leftover buffalo chicken soup for dinner so TH didn't bother cooking. I'm thawing out some bacon and I think we're probably going to do bacon and eggs for breakfast tomorrow since we'll all be home :-)

Noms for the day: Breakfast - eggs, chorizo, and shredded cheese. Iced coffee on the way to work. I brought leftover buffalo chicken soup for when I get hungry later.

Song: The Fray - Over My Head (Cable Car). Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Thursday night!!

Worst thing: Busy at work :-/


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

April 16

So, they yanked it. Ouch. Like, seriously ouch. On the bright side though, I don't have a toothache anymore. So yay! I had kinda wanted to wait until Friday to get it done but then I figured since I was there, and they could do it today, I might as well get it done. Because it wasn't going to quit hurting until I could do it. So now I'm here at work all drugged up and still drooling a little bit. Sigh. The bleeding actually stopped pretty quick - by the time I went to bed I had taken the gauze out. Now it's just oozing a little. And if I could keep my freaking tongue out of it that would probably help, too. Poop :-/

So anyway, after it hurt all freaking night I got home this morning, got TK off to school, and TH and I went to the dentist. They did an exam and all of the X-rays and shit, and extracted the tooth. They also made up a "treatment plan" for me, to the tune of almost $6,000. Turns out I have the beginnings of some kind of freaking gum disease or whatever, so I need to go back for a regular cleaning, a special "gum therapy treatment", a couple of fillings, a root canal or 2, and 2 or 3 crowns. Yeah. I'm going back next Wednesday for the post-op check and the regular cleaning. All the rest will have to be done as we can afford it. Stupid genetics and bad teeth >:-( My dad had horrible teeth, and my mom ended up with dentures before she was 30. TH hasn't had nearly the problems I have and luckily so far TK seems to have taken after him in that department. So yay!

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 2 scrambled eggs, 2 sausage patties, and shredded cheese. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later TH made the buffalo chicken soup and I brought some of that.

Song: Avril Lavigne - What The Hell. Random shuffle.

Best thing: No toothache tonight!!

Worst thing: Stupid dentist thingie >:-(


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

April 15

Holy crap, my tooth is freaking killing me. Seven hours to go until my dentist appointment. I'm not really sure what they're going to do in the morning, either. If I just end up having a filling or something done, they'll probably do it tomorrow. If I need an extraction though I'm going to see if I can go back Friday morning to have it done. That way I can be miserable at home all weekend instead of having to come to work after having a freaking tooth yanked :-/ I am so not looking forward to this. I fucking hate the dentist. TH has offered to go with me so I don't freak out too bad. He's so sweet :-)

So I got home this morning, got TK off to school, and watched a couple of episodes of Lost with TH. He had stopped by the liquor store on his way home yesterday for a bottle of vodka so I made a couple of drinks this morning hoping it would help me sleep better. It worked :-) I went to bed late and didn't get up until almost 8:00, so yay! Took a shower, hung out with them for a little bit, and now I'm at work. It's still a little cool tonight but the wind has died down. It's nice out! I remembered to watch the eclipse last night, too. It was awesome! I didn't manage to get any decent pictures though. Sigh, lol.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 2 flax buns ham and cheese sandwiches. Oh, and vodka :-) Snack when I woke up - flax bun with peanut butter. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I brought a couple of frozen hamburger patties and some cheese.

Song: Three Days Grace - Just Like You. Random shuffle.

Best thing: One of our residents brought us a huge tray of cookies yesterday. Not only did I not eat one, I realized that I don't really even want one!

Worst thing: Tooth :-(


Monday, April 14, 2014

April 14

So, I've got this tooth that has been broken for a while. 6 months or so, probably. Well, today it started hurting. Like, seriously hurting. I even dug around in the medicine cabinet and found some slightly out-of-date Vicodin and that did absolutely nothing to help. So I have a dentist appointment early Wednesday morning to get it checked out. Sigh. That is, if I live that long. Because it seriously fucking hurts >:-( started raining a little on my way home this morning and I could feel that the wind was shifting. Got home and got TK off to school, watched an episode of Lost with TH, and tried to go to bed. I say tried because it seems like I had just fallen asleep when the sky fucking fell out. We got a wicked thunderstorm - lightning, high winds, hail, everything. So I got up and stayed up until that was over. I didn't end up going to bed until almost time for TH to go to work. I got up a little after TK got home so I'm kinda tired tonight. Oh, and the whole tooth thing :-/

Sunday, April 13, 2014

April 13

Sunday night, back at work. So far it's been nice and quiet here which is good. They were talking about a chance for some storms earlier but most of them stayed off to our north. There's a cold front coming through later tonight/early tomorrow morning though that could kick off some storms. And afterwards it's supposed to be cold and windier than fuck for a few days. Lovely :-/

So Friday morning I got home and got TK off to school, watched a couple of episodes of Lost with TH, then we went and did our banking stuff. We went by Compass to close our account but first they told us about a new low interest personal loan that they had available. We figured we could use it to pay off all of the little piddly stuff and consolidate everything into one payment so we applied for it. We weren't approved though, lol. So we closed that account. Went by the credit union and finalized the credit card offer. After that we just kinda hung out until Logan's opened at 11:00. Then we had lunch! I had a steak with spicy blue cheese topping and grilled veggies, and TH had a steak with french fries and macaroni and cheese. So I stayed totally keto, yay! Got home and he left for work and I took a nap until TK got home from school. Played a little Minecraft with him until TH got home, made a frozen pizza for dinner (I had leftover jalapeno cream cheese thingies), and we watched The Nutjob. It was cute :-) I was still tired so I went on to bed when TH did.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

April 10

Thursday night! So I got home this morning and got TK off to school, made some breakfast, and watched the new Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and a couple of episodes of Lost with TH. Went to bed around 12:00 and got up at 7:30. TH went to Sams while I was asleep and made a couple of batches of cream cheese jalapeno thingies. Nom :-) Other than that not really much going on. TK was still a little snotty this morning but better than he was. I'm glad tomorrow's Friday so he can get some rest!

Tomorrow before TH goes to work I think we're going to go close our bank account. We've been with Compass Bank for like, freaking ever, but when we went down to the credit union to refinance my car we decided to just switch our direct deposit and everything over to there. The paychecks we got today were the first ones to actually go there so we're getting rid of Compass. We also need to go by the credit union because we were approved for a credit card through them but we never finished all of the paperwork. I think we're just going to use it to buy gas, pay it off every month, and keep it around for emergencies. So yay! After that if we have time before TH has to go to work we might go get some lunch. We have a $20 gift card to Logan's Roadhouse that we haven't had a chance to use yet. So that should be fun :-)

Noms for the day: Breakfast - Spam and egg breakfast taco on a low-carb tortilla. Flax bun with peanut butter when I got up. Iced coffee on the way to work. When I get hungry later I have a leftover breakfast taco and some jalapeno cream cheese thingies.

Song: The Black Keys - Fever. A new one tonight!

Best thing: Thursday night!!!

Worst thing: TK still a little snotty :-(


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

April 9

So, TK woke up super unbelievably snotty this morning. I got home and woke him up, he ate breakfast, and almost fell asleep in his oatmeal. So I let him stay home. He ended up sleeping most of the day which helped I guess because by tonight he acted like he was feeling a lot better. So yay! After he went back to bed this morning TH was still asleep so I made a couple of batches of flax buns. TH woke up, we made some breakfast and watched a few episodes of Lost, and I went to bed around 11:30 or so. Got up at 8:00, took a shower, and now I'm at work. TH said he thought about making dinner but he forgot, lol. Good thing I still have a little leftover fajita salad here at work :-P

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 3 eggs, 3 sausage patties, and shredded cheese. Lunch on the way to work - iced coffee and 2 flax buns. If I get hungry later I have the fajita salad.

Song: Clint Black - Nothin' but the Taillights. Random shuffle.

Best thing: TK seems to be feeling better!

Worst thing: Headache, kinda.

Okey dokeys then.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

April 8

Not much going on today. Got home and got TK off to school, hung out with TH for a little while, and went to bed. Got up a little after TK got home, played some Pixelmon with him until TH got home, and had leftovers for dinner. And that's pretty much it, lol.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 2 chocolate peanut butter bites. A leftover piece of pizza when I got up. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I have some cheese and pepperoni or some leftover fajita salad.

Song: Savage Garden - Tears of Pearls. Random shuffle. This album was one of the first ones I bought when I got my first car :-)

Best thing: I brought our little pedal exerciser thingie to work with me tonight and used it for a while :-)

Worst thing: I think TK might be trying to get sick. He's been kinda snotty :-/


Monday, April 7, 2014

April 7

Monday night, and I'm back at work. This is my short week - since I worked last Friday for the other guy, he worked Sunday night for me. So yay! It's nice and cool and a little windy out tonight. We had a pretty good line of thunderstorms roll through earlier this evening. TH actually had to pull over for a little bit on his way home from work because of the wind, rain, and hail. I think they said that there were almost 10,000 people in the area without power right after the storm. Luckily not us, though :-)

So Saturday morning when I got home TK was still asleep. I took a nap until about noon, woke TK up, made some breakfast, and we went...geocaching!!! We used to go all the time when TK was younger but we haven't done it in probably 8 or 9 years. I forgot how much fun it is! We only went looking for 3 caches but we found all 3 :-) Next weekend we'll probably do a few more. So we did that, went to feed the ducks, and stopped by HEB for a couple of things. Got home and played some Pixelmon until TH got home, then had wings for dinner and watched Reasonable Doubt for movie night. It was ok, but not great. TK's buddy showed up about halfway through it to spend the night so I went on to bed when TH did.

Friday, April 4, 2014

April 4

Friday night! Finally :-) And yep, it's busier than crap here at work but I guess it's just the normal Friday night traffic. The tailgate party was pretty much over by the time I got here. So that was good, at least.

Got home this morning and got TK off to school and was in bed by about 9:00. Got up a little bit after he got home, played some Pixelmon, and just hung out for a while. TH got home and we had time to watch an episode of Lost before I had to leave for work. TK's buddy was supposed to come spend the night but he hadn't shown up by the time I left. So I guess I'll find out in the morning if he did or not. Everyone should still be asleep when I get home in the morning so I think I'll try to get a quick nap and then wake everyone up. I wanna go do something but I'm not sure what. Maybe go feed the ducks, or something.

Noms for the day: Nothing for breakfast. 2 flax buns and some leftover bacon when I woke up. Iced coffee on my way to work. For dinner later I stopped by Taco Cabana on my way here and bought a steak fajita salad. So that should be seriously nom :-)

Song: Phantogram - Fall in Love. Another new one.

Best thing: A couple of my residents out here really like me! One of them gave me $40 earlier, and another one brought me a piece of cheesecake (that I'm going to take home for TH)!

Worst thing: Busy at work, but even that's not too bad.


Thursday, April 3, 2014

April 3

Thursday night, so only one night left for the week! Then next week is a short one. Yay :-) It's been pretty busy here at work for some reason. I just saw that they're having some kind of tailgate party out here tomorrow night so I'm kinda dreading how busy it will be then. Sigh.

So I got home this morning, got TK off to school, made some breakfast, and watched the new Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. with TH. Went to bed around 10:30 and got up at 6:00. Hung out with TH and TK for a while, watched an episode of Lost, and now I'm at work. I'm thinking I'll probably try to go to bed pretty early when I get home in the morning so I can get up when TK gets home. TH usually works from 2:30-7 pm on Fridays but he's going in early tomorrow. Yay, overtime.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - chorizo and egg breakfast taco (with low-carb tortilla). Lunch when I got up - hamburger patty and salad. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I brought a leftover hamburger patty and a leftover breakfast taco. So whichever one sounds good.

Song: Wild Cub - Thunder Clatter. A new one tonight!

Best thing: We were under a severe thunderstorm watch earlier but it all died out before it got to us!

Worst thing: Stomach hurts for some reason :-/


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

April 2

Wednesday night. Only 2 more after this! I was tired when I got home this morning so I went to bed early. Got up a little bit after TK got home and hung out with them for a while. TH and TK wanted Taco Bell for dinner but I really wasn't hungry. And now I'm at work. Yay, lol

Noms for the day: Nothing for breakfast. 2 flax buns with peanut butter after I woke up. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I still have some tuna and green beans here at work.

Song: Brooks and Dunn - My Maria. Random shuffle tonight.

Best thing: Good sleep today!

Worst thing: So I guess it's safe to say that it's officially spring. There are June Bugs everywhere here at work and I keep stepping on them :-/

Okey dokeys then.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April 1

Tuesday night! After tonight I'm halfway through the week, since I'm working this Friday night. So yay! Not really much going on today. I stopped by Randall's on my way home this morning to pick up a few things. Everyone was awake when I got home so we got TK off to school, made some breakfast, and watched a couple of episodes of Lost. We finished season 1! I'm really liking it so far :-) Went to bed kinda late and woke up when TK got home but I was still tired so I slept a little later. TH got home and we just kinda scrounged for dinner since I hadn't cooked. And now I'm at work (again, lol).

So today was April Fools Day :-) This morning at Randall's I bought a couple of small bags of Skittles, a couple of small bags of M&M's, and some superglue. I managed to open the M&M's very carefully and replaced them with the Skittles. I put one in TK's lunch and the other in TH's backpack. I also set TK's phone to where it every time it autocorrected something it would say the word. Oh, and I set a keyboard shortcut so that when he tried to type "lol" it would autocorrect to "I farted". And when he went to open a can of ravioli for dinner I had switched the labels on it so that he opened a can of green beans. It was freaking hilarious XD The only other thing I did to TH was go into his Netflix profile and set his last 4-5 shows watched as My Little Pony, Care Bears, and shit like that. So that way when he opened the app that would be the first thing he saw. All in all I would say it was a pretty successful April Fools Day, lol.

Noms for the day: Breakfast - 3 eggs, 3 sausage patties, and shredded cheese. Lunch when I woke up - 2 flax buns with peanut butter. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I brought some tuna and pork rinds.

Song: Weebl's Stuff - Amazing Horse. This one's really short but holy shit it has been stuck in my head for weeks!

Best thing: April Fools Day :-)

Worst thing: So we found out yesterday that some guy has threatened to kill one of our residents here at work. Apparently the resident is a doctor who decided that this guy was well enough to go to jail for something instead of being hospitalized. So that could get interesting if this guy shows up :-/

Yep yep yep.