Sunday, March 2, 2014

March 2

Holy fuckballs it is cold and windier than SHIT out there tonight! According to The Weather Channel it is 28, with a wind chill of 15!! This is just about bullshit, lol. And it was so nice out yesterday... They're talking about a very slight chance of icy shit in the morning but a much better one tomorrow night and Tuesday morning. So I guess we'll see what happens.

So Friday morning I got off work and went up to see my mom. She was up when I got there but not ready yet so we kinda hung out for a while. She needed to stop by and pay her cable bill so we waited until 9:00 to leave. Did that, then went to Walmart. And we were there for freaking ever :-/ Stopped by Whataburger for lunch, went back to her house for a while, and I left at about 3:00. Got home just before TK did, hung out with him for a while after he got home, then took a nap until TH got home. Got up and had some leftovers for dinner and just kinda hung out with TH until he went to bed. Stayed up and played some Minecraft with TK for a while.

Saturday I got up kinda early, did a little cleaning and laundry, and just kinda hung out and played with TK for a while. His buddy came over and at 5:00 we went over to my neighbor buddy's to go to the football game. It was AWESOME!!! A little loud, but awesome :-) It was a pretty good game but my buddy's team ended up losing :-( It was over at about 10:30 so we stopped by HEB on the way home and I picked up a couple of pizzas to feed the boys. Got home and cooked the pizzas and my neighbor buddy came over for a while and had a few drinks. After she left I stayed up and played with them until almost 3:00. I didn't even hear TH get up and leave for work Sunday morning, lol.

Sunday we slept kinda late, then after TK's buddy left we played a little Minecraft, I did some more laundry, then took a nap. Got up after TH got home and didn't worry about dinner because we still had leftovers. Tomorrow night I do need to cook though, lol.

So Friday while I was at Walmart with my mom I got a call from a number that I didn't recognize, but it was from the city where (the last I heard) my dad lives. That whole thing is just a big fucked up mess but TL;DR - we don't talk anymore and he basically hates all of us and disowned us. So...yeah. They didn't leave a message or anything and I looked up the number and it came up as the office at the apartments he lived in. So I called it back, and it was the apartment manager who had called. Basically, she thinks he's like, going crazy and shit. He called her to come to his apartment and when he answered the door he was completely naked. Then he started talking about how his computer could talk, but then it couldn't talk anymore so he had to talk for it, and he was talking to her as himself and as the computer. Oh and when she tried to leave he said she couldn't leave or else he would arrest her :-/ So she ended up calling 911 and when I called her they were there evaluating him. She said the way they were talking it sounded like they might want to have him committed. She wanted to know if any of us had Power of Attorney over him, which I guess would make it easier to deal with all of it. Of course, we don't, because remember - he hates us. So she was going to call me back and let me know what happened. Well, she never called back. Of course this all happened at like, 2:00 on a Friday afternoon and she probably left at 5:00 and won't be back until Monday morning. So we'll see if she calls sometime tomorrow.

Noms for the weekend: Mostly keto, except PIZZA AND BEER!! Saturday night. Ah, well.

Song: CkY - Escape From Hellview. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Football game was AWESOME :-)

Worst thing: Shit with my dad...

I guess that's pretty much it.

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