Thursday, March 13, 2014

March 13

Holy shit I am freaking tired tonight. I think I got about 4 hours of sleep. Maybe :-/ And I am so fucking ready for this week to be over, and for everyone to go home, and all of the little shits to go back to school. Not mine though. I like having mine home :-) But between Spring Break and that stupid fucking music festival there are way too many people running around. I kinda need to get out and do a few things this weekend but I really don't want to leave the house. Sigh. Oh and last night some drunk guy ran into a crowd of people downtown who were waiting to get into a show. He killed 2 people and injured like 23 more. So that fucking sucked :-(

So it has been so busy at work that by the time I really had a chance to write, I was just like...fuck it, lol. Plus last night I ended up playing PC Minecraft with TK most of the night. We finally fucked around with that old laptop enough to get it to run Minecraft! And then we spend all day today trying to figure out how to set up our own Minecraft server. And I do mean all day, lol. That would be why I'm so freaking tired tonight :-/ But we did it! We even managed to find the older version of the server software so that we could set it up as a Pixelmon server! We're so fucking smart, lol.

Other than that though, there hasn't really been much going on. I've stayed up too late most days this week but I'm seriously planning on going home in the morning and going straight to bed so I can get a decent nap. TK's buddy is spending the night tonight (which means that TH gets to deal with them for a change, nyahahahahahaha!!!) so there's no telling how late they'll sleep. I really need to take TK to get a haircut before he goes back to school on Monday, and maybe pick up a couple of things from the store. So we might end up getting out anyway. Sigh.

Noms for the last couple of days: Totally keto!! And and and...I haven't had anything to drink since Sunday morning :-)

Song: Martina McBride - Independence Day. Random shuffle. I always really liked this one.

Best thing: Minecraft server!!!!!

Worst thing: Poor people at the music festival last night :-(


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