Sunday, March 9, 2014

March 9

Sunday night again. Already. Sigh. And it's Spring Break, and there's a big-ass music/film festival in town, so traffic is fucking nuts. It's going to be busier than shit here at work this week, I can already tell. Double sigh :-/

So Friday morning I stopped by Randall's on my way home to pick up a few things. Got home and got TK up and off to school, then TH and I went to the new credit union to refinance my car! We ended up cutting the interest rate in half, which lowered the payments by $200/month! We also had the option to delay our first payment for 60 days which will help us get all of our shit caught up. And, we were approved for a new credit card! It has a decent interest rate by itself but it has a super low rate for balance transfers. So we're going to transfer some of our higher shit over there and pay it off at a lower rate. Yay! Anyway, we finished up there then went by HEB for a couple of things. Got home and had some breakfast, watched a couple of episodes of Orange is the New Black, then TH went to work. I wasn't sleepy yet so I just kinda hung out until TK got home. He got home and we played a little Minecraft until time for TH to get home. They had chicken strips and mashed potatoes for dinner, but I wasn't hungry and I was really tired so I just went on to bed early. So no movie night.

Saturday I woke up pretty early and tried to wake TK up but he was still tired. So I went back to bed for a while, lol. We got up later and did a little cleaning and some laundry. It actually rained most of the day, too! I finally decided to buy a code for PC Minecraft so we could play it together but after I did, I couldn't get the laptop to run it. So I spent a couple of hours fucking with the laptop and watching TK play Pixelmon. TH got home and we made nachos for dinner and watched The Purge. It wasn't bad. He went to bed and TK and I stayed up a little later.

Sunday we got up fairly early and basically just hung out all day. Daylight Savings Time started today so that was a little weird. I never managed to get Minecraft to work on the one laptop but finally got it working on one of the others. It ran so freaking slow it was almost impossible to play :-/ But we played that for a while, I did some more laundry, and then took a nap until after TH got home. We still had leftover enchilada stuff so I didn't worry about dinner. TH is going to fuck around with the laptops and see if swapping out the hard drives with the ones from our little netbooks will make any difference. Dunno. I figure it can't hurt, at least.

Let's see...what else? I drank the last beer this morning and I'm really going to try not to buy any more, at least for a while. I'm still pretty much doing the keto thing but as long as I keep drinking I don't think it's really going to do much. So, we'll see what happens now...

Noms for the weekend: Mostly keto. Yay?

Song: The Lumineers - Ho Hey. Random shuffle.

Best thing: Yay for lower car payment!!

Worst thing: Stupid Minecraft being a stupid butt >:-(

Yep yep yep.

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