Sunday, March 30, 2014

March 30

Sunday night again. And the start of a long week - the other guy at work needs off this Friday night so I'm working and he's working my Sunday. So a long week, then a short week. Hopefully it won't be too busy Friday night. You just never know.

So I stopped by the store on my way home Friday morning. Everyone was still asleep when I got home so I got TK up and ready to go but he was too late to catch the bus so I ended up taking him to school. Got home and made some breakfast and watched a few episodes of Lost with TH. He went to work and I took a nap. Got up when TK got home, played some Pixelmon, and made tacos for dinner. TH got home and we watched a few more episodes of Lost for movie night. Nothing else really sounded good, lol. I was still tired so I went to bed when TH did. Earlier in the day it rained a little bit in some areas around us and a few places even got some hail but we didn't see anything at all. We could have used the rain but I'm glad we missed out on the hail!

Saturday we slept kinda late, did some cleaning and laundry, and played Pixelmon and some Xbox Minecraft for a while. We're still working on our little city on Xbox :-) TH got home and we had leftovers for dinner and watched a couple more episodes of Lost. He went to bed and TK and I stayed up late playing Pixelmon.

Sunday I didn't wake up until around 4:00 so I didn't need to take a nap before work. Did another load of laundry and played Pixelmon until TH got home. We made breakfast for dinner - bacon, eggs, and I made some pancakes for TH and TK. Hung out until it was time for me to come to work, and now I'm here. Yay, lol.

Other than that not really much going on. On Friday morning I called the office to find out what the deal was with my vacation check. Turns out that yes, I've been here 6 years (almost), but since I spent some time working part time a few years ago, that fucking reset my "years of service" timer. So now as far as vacation pay goes I'm only up to 3 years. Fuckers >:-(

Noms for the weekend: Keto all weekend!!

Song: Smash Mouth - Can't Get Enough of You Baby. Random shuffle.

Best thing: So, after 2 weeks of only having a couple of beers on the weekends instead of almost every day, I'm down to my lowest weight since I started all of this! So I'm not stalled out anymore :-)

Worst thing: Stupid vacation check thingie >:-(


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