Thursday, March 27, 2014

March 27

Thursday night, finally! Got home this morning and got TK off to school, made some breakfast, and watched a few episodes of Lost with TH. Went to bed around noon and got up at 7:30. We had leftovers for dinner so nobody bothered cooking. When I get off in the morning I need to stop by HEB for a couple of things but I haven't decided yet if I'll do it on the way home or wait until TK leaves for school. I guess it depends on how I feel.

So when I got to work tonight there was a package for me from my employer. It was a "years of service" certificate, a pin, and my vacation check! Only problem is that it was for 3 years, and only one week of vacation. I've been there almost 6 years (5 of that was full time) so it should have been 5 years and 2 weeks of vacation. So I need to call the office in the morning and figure out wtf is going on. The only thing I can think is that somehow they reset me after I spent some time only working part time a few years ago. I hope not though, because we were kinda counting on a 2 week vacation check. Bastards >:-(

Noms for the day: Breakfast - eggs, Spam, a flax bun, and shredded cheese. Lunch when I woke up - leftovers from breakfast. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I have some chicken and cabbage stuff leftover from the other night.

Song: Dope - Bitch. Random shuffle.

Best thing: We figured out that we could change our phone plan to save about $75/month!

Worst thing: Stupid vacation check screwup, or something.


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