Tuesday, March 25, 2014

March 25

Well, I'm tired tonight but not nearly as tired as I was afraid I was going to be. I got super lucky with jury duty today :-) So I got home this morning and went to bed early, slept for about 5 hours, and went to jury duty. I got there early enough to get one of the assigned jury parking spaces, so yay! Went inside and sat around waiting for a while then the court clerk dude had us fill out some paperwork and explained the whole thing. Apparently they have 20-25 cases assigned at once and they will all come in and meet with the prosecutor to decide if they really want to go to trial or if they just want to settle out of court. Anyone who decides to go to trial gets put on a list and they'll pick one case to hear that day. If that had happened we would have been there until 5:00 or so, probably. Luckily, everyone decided to settle so we were out of there in like an hour and a half :-) So I actually got home before TK did. He got home and we played a little Pixelmon then I took another quick nap. And now I'm at work, and I have done my civil freaking duty and hopefully won't get called back for a long, long time!

Noms for the day: Nothing for breakfast. Cheese and almonds when I woke up. Taco meat, shredded cheese, and spinach before work. Iced coffee on the way to work. If I get hungry later I brought a salad with more taco meat to work with me.

Song: The Black Keys - Howlin' For You. Random shuffle again.

Best thing: Easy jury duty!

Worst thing: Cramps :-/


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