Tuesday, January 8, 2013

January 8

Well, today was just kind of a crappy day. It started raining about halfway through the night last night, and by the time I left this morning it was gross and squishy and foggy. Stopped at Randall's on the way home to get some ant spray to try to kill the little black crawly ants in the bathroom. We bought some of the little baits last week to see if that would work, but it didn't seem to be helping. So we got some spray. Raid makes an ant and roach spray now that is Lemon scented, and it smells awesome! It doesn't even smell like bug spray, just Pledge or something. Works quick, too. We sprayed the bathroom this morning and haven't seen an ant all day. Yay!!

It was funny - the cashier this morning remembered me buying the ant baits the other day. I had stopped on my way home from work, on New Year's Day, and that was the only thing I bought. I remember her giving me the strangest look, like someone buying ant poison at 6:30 am on New Years Day was the strangest thing in the world. Huh, thinking about it now, I guess it was kinda weird. t(ツ)_/¯ 
I also finally found the peppermint and caramel whipped cream I had been looking for all winter. They had about 3 cases of it in the little markdown cooler, for 50% off. I guess they just didn't have room for it on the shelf so they never put it out? Bastards. It was weird too, because it was 50% off, but it was also on sale BOGO, so I ended up getting them almost free, somehow. Fuzzy register math, or something.

It has rained all freaking day. Yeah, I know we need it, but grrrrr. TH took TK to school, and I went to bed later than I should have. Got up and went to pick up TK from school and it was freaking pouring. I got soaked running across the cove to my car. Luckily it wasn't raining much at school, so TK didn't get very wet. I park at this little shopping center across the street from the school and he walks across with a bunch of other kids. I don't go over to the school - there is some serious traffic bullshit and I would probably hurt somebody.

Got home and played a few rounds of Nuketown Zombies and a Team Deathmatch on Black Ops 2 with TK. Went back to sleep for about an hour and a half. When TH got home from work, he told me that the builder had called him today. Remember that awesome countertop we had picked out? Yep, discontinued. Fucking seriously? So now we have to go back over there again and pick a new countertop. Hopefully one that still looks good with everything else, or we'll have to change some of that. And if we change something else, hope it hasn't been discontinued. I can see how this could turn into a vicious little circle here :-/

Nasty rainy all the way to work, and of course these people drive like dumbasses when it's raining. Well, they kinda do anyway, but moreso when it's raining. Everybody's either fucking Speed Racer or going like, 20 MPH. Irritating, to say the least. Oh and on that note, why do people insist on either camping in the fast lane and waiting until you try to go around them to speed up, or poke along forever and finally decide to move over, and then speed up. Or my personal favorite, they'll ooze along in the left lane, slowing down the whole freaking world, until just before an intersection or an exit, and then they'll scoot over really quick and make the turn or whatever. It's like, you had no business being in that fucking lane in the first place, you dipshit!!! Grrrrrr.

Anyway...TH drove by the house but nothing new there. Probably a combination of the rain and the inspection stuff. Sigh. It's supposed to rain all night and tomorrow, but I don't know how long tomorrow. Hopefully not all day and they can get in there and get a little bit of something done. Ys, I'm impatient, lol. So, no house picture. Again. Sighhhhh. How about a tree outside of the building at my work, with the Christmas lights and the rain? I dunno, I thought it was cool.

Purty :-)

And, just because I'm like 12 and I thought it was funny: this is from a game of Zombies on Black Ops 2. When you run through lava, it hurts you a little bit and when you come out it looks like your ass is on fire. So we made the little dude run around farting fireballs. /r/im14andthisisfunny. You're welcome :-)

There's no useful audio, just us laughing like a couple of idiots. Super Tacos!! Edit: now it has audio. Yeah,  it's even weirder, lol. 

Ok. Song of the day: Red Hot Chili Peppers - Look Around. I may just start hitting shuffle and see what pops up first, if I don't have something in mind. It'll be fun :-)

Best thing: Mom went and had an epidural shot, to try and help her back pain. She was really nervous about it but they knocked her out for it. Everything went fine, and she's home. Yay!

Worst thing: Stupid totally awesome countertop that we picked is discontinued, so we have to pick a new one. But, I like that one! Assholes >:-(

Bye byyyyyeeeeee!!!

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