Friday, January 11, 2013

January 11

It's Friday night, and I'm not going to work, yay!! I spent all that time last night organizing my photos, and then when I got home I moved everything off of the camera roll on my phone to my computer and organized it all. I had over 1,000 photos and videos on there, including all of the video of the house demolition that I took with my phone. TH still has about half of them on his phone, because I managed to kill the battery on both phones while we were watching it. It took a while, lol. Then when I finally started syncing it, it took about 4 hours. Crazy. I left it plugged in in the kitchen and used TK's phone for an alarm and sleep noise machine while I took a nap.

Got up and went to pick up TK, then went by the house to see the kitties and check on the progress. TH had said yesterday that the foreman told him the plumbers should be in there getting started pretty quick, but it didn't look like anything had been done. Fucking grrrrrrrrr. I did get a few pictures though, hooray. The kitties were out of food, and they were so happy to see us. They usually are, though. Jim Bob especially was really meowy and purry, wanting to be petted. Dumped out the cat litter bucket that we've been scooping the litterboxes into out in a trash bag, and brought it back here to put in the trash can. That is one part that I have definitely not missed :-/ I'm just glad that they all remembered the whole litterbox thing - it has been over a year since they have used one.

Kind of a short update today, TK is waiting for me to come play something. I'll try to fit in what I missed tomorrow. We did stop at HEB on the way home, and got a couple of frozen pizzas for dinner. One of them  ended up going out of town, and the other one stayed here. The one that stayed was going to go out tonight, so we had a pizza movie night after all. TH stopped and got the new Ice Age from Redbox on his way home. I really liked it! It was kinda silly, but good. It was good to laugh at something.

Ok so, house pictures! Really the only thing new is that you can kind of see the rebar sitting there, and it looks like they smoothed out the dirt that got washed away when it rained. It's something, though.

From the street. Kinda see the rebar leaning against the fence on the left.

More rebar. All ready to go in the holes, once the plumbers get their butts in there.
Song: lhugueny - Black Ops 2 the Musical. It's a parody of Psy's Gangnam Style. Funny shit :-)

Best thing: Organized photos, yay!!.

Worst thing: No visible house progress. Grrrr.

Yep yep yep.

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