Sunday, January 27, 2013

January 27

So much for trying to not skip Saturday night, huh? Wow, it was a long-ass weekend. We had the dogs all weekend, and they were a freaking pain in the ass. We did movie night Friday, and I hadn't taken much of a nap earlier that day and had a few drinks so I was freaking tired and went to bed early. Well, early for me on a Friday, lol. TK got sick yesterday. I don't know if it's the flu or what but he is sick. He has pretty much slept the entire time, except for waking up to puke or take medicine or whine a little bit - he does a very good pitiful. I just get so freaking worried when he's sick, because he just doesn't get sick very often. It has been probably 2 years since he has been sick. We're all that way though, and I don't really know why. Lucky, I guess. Logically it would seem like I should catch every little pissant bug that comes along, because I don't get enough sleep and I don't really take care of myself, but I don't. I don't get it.

So Friday I went by the store on the way home, and then I stayed up way too late playing...Lego Batman!! I finally went through the box down in the garage that has the PS2 and some games in it. I found Lego Batman and a Simpsons game for the Xbox. I don't know why those 2 got seperated from the rest. I had also forgotten how many awesome games we have for the PS2! I know we have Star Wars Battlefront 1 and 2, at least 2 of the Destroy All Humans games, 2 of the Katamari games, and the Namco museum game with Pacman and Galaga and everything else. I forget what the others are. Now I really want to clean up the PS2 and see if it still works. Also found the USB adapters that let you use the Xbox controllers for the PC, so the next time I try to play Halo PC maybe I won't go crazy. I'm not coordinated enough to use a keyboard/mouse combo for gaming :-/ I really like FPS's, but I had forgotten how much fun the Lego games are! You can destroy almost anything in the game that is made of Lego. It's...therapeutic. Now I want to get all of the rest of them, lol. We used to have a few more, but it seems like they were for Wii and/or Gamecube and they were in TK's room at home. So they melted :-(

Took a short nap, then went and picked up TK and stopped to get the pizza on the way home. Papa Murphys, again. Nom nom nom. Played some more Lego Batman with him, then when TH got home we did movie night! We saw Neighborhood Watch this time. It was funny, but it was...kinda not what I expected. Still pretty good, though. I will acknowledge that since we get all of our movies from Redbox for like $1 per night, I have pretty low standards when it comes to movie night. I'm easily amused, lol. Went to bed pretty quick after the movie. TH had gone by the house on his way to work, and said that the approval (or whatever you would call it) from the slab engineer was posted! He also got an email form the foreman saying "God willing and the creeks don't rise, we're pouring Monday at 10 am"!!!!!! Holy shit. I...I want to believe... Guess we'll find out in the morning. We wanted to be there to watch anyway, but the builder called and said she had some stuff for us to sign off on, I guess so they could get paid for the demo and slab? I know they said we have to sign off on certain steps along the way. Yay, we're involved!!

Got up Saturday and messed with the dogs a little bit, then TK and I went to see the kitties. They are getting so unbelievably pitiful :-/ It hasn't been as cold lately, and there hasn't been any loud, scary work going on at the house for almost 2 weeks so they're like, why the hell are we in here again? They'll remember tomorrow when the cement trucks show up, lol. I feel so bad about locking them up, because they've gotten used to being able to run around and kinda roam their little territory. and visit the neighbors, apparently. I just don't want them out where they could get squished by a backhoe or a load of lumber or something. Or have them get scared by the noise and workers and run away. Maybe, maybe when they've finished all of the dangerous stuff we can let them out, if they would stay out of the way. Not sure some of them are that smart though :-/

When we got up Saturday TK said his throat hurt but then he drank something and it felt better. By the time we got home and played a little bit he started feeling crappy. TH got home and I made fish and tater tots, and I hung out with him for a little bit. He went to bed and TK and I played a little bit more before he decided he really felt bad and he went to bed. I gave him some Tylenol cold and sinus stuff, and that seemed to clear him up a tiny bit. I was still asleep after TH left for work, and he woke me up doing this weird snotty sounding snore. I checked him and he felt like he had a fever. Oh yeah - I need to get a new thermometer. Anyway, I gave him some Dayquil type stuff and not 20 minutes later he puked it up. So then he basically slept the rest of the day. I gave him a few more doses of the Tylenol cold stuff - he wasn't willing to try the liquid stuff again, lol. And now I'm at work, and my sick little Butthead is at home. I know he'll wake up TH if he needs to, but I don't know that TH will go in there and check him every time he gets up to go pee or whatever. Yeah you laugh, but I seriously don't know how to handle it when he's sick. He's 13 and this is maybe the 10th time he's been sick. Hell, the kid was like 3 before he ever even had an ear infection. So :-P

House pictures...look exactly the same as the last ones. TH went by on his way home tonight to check on the kitties, since we probably won't be able to get back there tomorrow with the cement trucks and all. You know, because they are POURING CONCRETE!!!! At least, they fucking better be pouring concrete. I will not be held responsible for my actions if it gets delayed again. Just for the record. What's gonna be interesting is when the foreman shows up in the morning and sees that the ditches for the water and sewer mains still haven't been filled in. Because if the trucks are going to get in there in the morning, it seems like they need to be covered up. We'll see.

Look at allll of the ditches...that haven't been filled in yet.

Dat water main :-) Hopefully this shot will look a lot different tomorrow! we were leaving the house yesterday, we were driving down one of the streets in the neighborhood when I saw something and stopped. I started backing up, and TK is like "What are we doing?" When he saw it he freaking lost it.

He was just standing there like, "Fuck you, I'm a chicken!"

So everything the rest of the day was "Fuck you, I'm a chicken!" :-)

Song: Bowling For Soup - 1985. I freaking love this song. When I was still in the ASL (American Sign Language) classes I went to a show that the ASL club put on, and one of the guys did this song. It was awesome.

Best thing: Nobody else is sick (yet)? We don't have paid sick days and we really can't afford to miss work. Fingers crossed!

Worst thing: Sick little Butthead :-/


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