Monday, January 14, 2013

January 13

I know, I know. It hasn't even been 2 weeks and I miss a day. You know what? I just didn't feel like it, so y'all can suck it :-P I stayed up and played with TK Friday night, slept for a little bit and then got up and did laundry and stuff. I went back to sleep later, and slept til just before TH got home. Hung out with him for a while, then he went to bed and TK and I stayed up for a while and played some Black Ops 2. We were going to go see the kitties but decided to wait til Sunday. Went to bed late Saturday night/Sunday morning, and had trouble sleeping. Gave up and finally got up and planned on trying to take another nap later but that kinda didn't really happen. TH ended up going to see the kitties when he got off work today, and I made Boca burgers and fries for dinner. And now I'm at work, and so begins another week of awesomeness :-/

Got an email from the foreman with an updated construction schedule for this week. They ended up writing off last Tuesday-Friday as bad weather days, since they couldn't get in there and do anything with the rain and the mud. I wonder how many bad weather days they are allowed? Anyway, he says that if everything works out, they could try to pour Friday morning (the 18th) I think they're already ahead, though. It called for the plumbers getting in there and finishing the plumbing rough tomorrow, but when TH went by today after work he said it looked like the plumbing was already done. Yay!! They're also supposed to come in tomorrow and remove the last of the concrete debris from the lot. So that means that our little crashed alien sculpture dude is going away. Sad  face :-( 

There's only like a 10% chance of rain for the next 10 days, so hopefully there won't really be anything to slow stuff down any more. Once the slab is poured, even if it rains and is muddy they should still be able to get in there and do stuff, I think.I really like this guy, he knows his shit. The emails that he sends us with the construction schedule also get sent to everyone else who will be working on the house: concrete guys, plumbers, painters, everybody. So everybody knows what everybody else is doing, lol. When they told us that we were assigned this builder, the lady that worked on the loan with us said that these guys are good, and fast. That they usually get finished before the 100 days that they are allowed. I think we've seen why, too. They called us in to pick colors as quick as they did to make sure they can get everything we need, and there's no delay. The last time we were at the office they were already talking about ordering the windows, so they would be here when they need them. I think we got lucky :-)

Welp, classes start tomorrow. Totally not excited. I checked Blackboard today and the Music teacher had finally put her syllabus up. You have to buy MyMusicLab, and there are some quizzes and stuff in there. All of the tests are online, which is nice. There is some kind of discussion board, but it doesn't really go into detail about that (of course). Annnnnd, you are required to attend 3 FUCKING CONCERTS!!!! and write a report about each one. REALLY?!?!?! The whole fucking point of an online class is to not have to fucking go anywhere!! Utter bullshit, I tell you. Add/drops start tomorrow morning, and if I can get into that Economics class I am seriously considering dropping this and keeping the stupid Government class :-/

Let's see, what else? Oh mother. Holy crap, my mother. You know, a psychologist would probably have a fucking field day if he ever got ahold of me. I'm not even gonna get started on her right now. She texted me today to tell me that she got rid of the cat. You see, she had been wanting a cat. So I found a guy here in town who was trying to find a new home for his cat because it kept picking on his other cat. So I sent her pictures, and she thought he was oh so cute. He is a pretty tuxedo kitty - kinda looks like a long haired Stupid. He came with food, litterbox, everything. Had all his shots, and he was declawed. Which I don't agree with, but it had already been done. So I went and met the guy, picked up the cat, and took it to her. All of this on a Friday afternoon, after I picked TK up from school. So holy shit at the traffic. We live in the south part of town, and she lives in another small suburb north of us. She's about 25 miles away, I guess.

So not 2 days later, she starts complaining that the cat bites. But see, that's the thing with my mom. She's such a fucking drama queen sometimes that you just really never know how seriously to take something. But apparently he kept doing it so my brother (who lives like 5 minutes away from her - nyahahaha) finally got tired of hearing about it and took him to the shelter. I dunno - she's just never fucking happy. Every time I talk to her she does nothing but complain. She says I don't call her enough, but she's just the kind of person who drags you down emotionally. I can only hear about her problems and my fuckup of a sister for so long, you know? Perfect example - she knows what a long and stressful process trying to get a loan to rebuild the house has been. When we finally got the paperwork signed and had a demolition date, I texted her - "Mom, they're tearing down the house tomorrow!!" She answers with "That's great. So, (my sister) and (loser boyfriend) broke up again." Sigh...

Oh yeah! While we were at the house Friday afternoon, I had 2 different neighbors ask about the cats. Said they hadn't seen them and wanted to make sure they were ok :-) One of them was the lady that lives at what we call the Truck People's house, across the street and to the right. We call them that because they have a one-car driveway, and they both drive pickups but won't park one in the street. Afraid it'll get hit, I guess? So they spend a lot of time out there shuffling their trucks around if the one that got home first needs to leave first. It's entertaining, lol. She said she would see them hanging around all the time, and that they come up and drink out of her birdbath so she always made sure to put water in it for them. Awwww :-) The other one is the crazy cat lady (look who's talking, lol) that lives on our side of the street, the 3rd house down on the right. She always has food out for everybody, and when it's cold she puts out little places for them to sleep. I had noticed a lot of times when I would go by the house on my way home from work, Hiccup and Moose would come from that direction. Turns out that they had been making themselves at home down there. She said that she nicknamed "the little one" (Hiccup) Adolf, because the black on top of his head kinda makes him look like Hitler! I told her yeah, that kinda fits cause he's kind of an asshole - and Asshole is actually his nickname :-) So they were both glad to hear that the kitties are locked up safe while there's construction going on.

I think one of my residents just got pulled over, lol. He came through the gate with a sheriff right behind him. They kept going on around the curve though so I couldn't see for sure. There's a traffic light on the main road, where you turn into the community. The intersection is probably 150 yards or so from the gates to get in here, and there's a little road before you get here that goes off to the side leading to another little gated community, but it doesn't have a guardshack, just an automated gate. The traffic light at that intersection flashes red overnight, and a lot of times there will be a sheriff sitting just out of sight busting people that just roll through it without stopping. Usually they get pulled over before they make it to the gate, and I sit here watching them get a ticket. Then when the cop turns them loose and they come through the gate, they stare straight ahead and won't even look at me. I just smile and wave, like always XD

Ok so, TH did take a picture at the house, but it was dark so it's not the best. You can at least see where the plumbing coming up through where the slab will be.

From the front. The ones to the left are the bathroom, right is the washer, and the back ones are the master bathroom. I think :-)

Okey dokeys. Song: Silversun Pickups - The Pit. Not sure why I like this one so much, but I do. Check out some of their other stuff too, it's good!

Best thing: Somebody at work brought us cookies :-)

Worst thing: Finding out about the stupid concert requirements for the stupid music class >:-(


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