Thursday, January 10, 2013

January 10

Today was...uneventful, I guess. I went home and played video games, alone!! And stayed up way too late doing it so now I'm tired tonight. It's ok though, it's Thursday night, yay!! I played some Halo Reach firefight, and some Black Ops 2 Nuketown Zombies and Team Deathmatch. It was awesome, lol,

I tried to stop for gas on the way home this morning, but the first place I tried must have been out of gas or something, I dunno. It let me get to the point that you start pumping the gas, and it sounded like the pump was running, but no gas came out. Weird. The second place was too crowded, and the third place wasn't open yet. So I said fuck it and went home. When I got up later to go to work, I found out that TH had taken my car and filled it up for me, and bought me a Rockstar 2X because he knew I would be tired from staying up so late. He can be so sweet sometimes!!

He went by the house when he went to pick up TK and said that the steel guys had been there, and had some of the rebar framework done. The foreman was there talking to the plumbers, and said that the plumbers might get in there today and get started. But then he went by again after 5:00 and they hadn't started the plumbing yet. But they got some stuff done today, yay!! I don't think he took a picture though :-P I'll go by there tomorrow and check the kitties when I pick up TK. I'll get some flipping pictures, lol.

TH's class is paid for, and he bought MyEconLab today. I looked again last night to see if there was on open spot in that Economics class, but registration ended yesterday. Classes start Monday! I thought it was later than that, shit. So I can't change anything until the first few days of class, during add/drops. I looked at my schedule again though, and the only 16 week class that I have is the Music class. Psychology and Government are both 12 week classes so they don't start until like 2-14 or something. So if I can't snag a 16 week Economics class I can just take the 12 week one. Either way it will be better than another Government class. I actually did really well in the US Government class, where we had the same kind of discussion board assignments that this one has. I always seriously stress over writing assignments but it turns out I'm actually really good at BSing my way through them. Hooray, I guess?

I went through the pictures on my computer and got them all organized, kinda sorta. Better than they were, at least. They were just all kinda there. I still have a ton of pictures on the camera roll on my phone that I need to move and organize. I may do that later. The only thing is, I'm a little afraid to sync my phone now because what if it messes up my photos? I would be seriously pissed if I had to rearrange them again. I think I have something like 3,000 on there :-/

No rain or fog tonight, and it's not even really cold. I think it's supposed to be like 70 tomorrow and Saturday. That's just wrong. Pretty weather though - hope for pretty weather so they can work on the house. It can rain on Sundays :-P I still don't know if they are going out of town or not. I guess I'll find out in the morning. So, dunno if we're doing movie night yet either. We try to do a pizza and movie night every week, either Friday or Saturday night after TH gets home from work. Sometimes it's a "real" movie, sometimes it's a bad movie. I think the bad movies are my favorite. I highly recommend Nazis at the Center of the Earth :-)

Ok so again, no house pic (grrrrrr TH), so I'll give you the only thing I actually took today. There is this chicken place that we drive past every day, and there are about 3 different cars done up like this that seem to rotate being parked in front of it. Dunno if it's one dude that owns all of them, or if everyone that works there drives something like this. It's...interesting. Kind of a crappy picture, but it was dark and I wasn't very close.

Ok, kind of a really crappy picture. But you can get the idea, right?

Let's see...Song: The Prodigy - Baby's Got a Temper. Video probably NSFW, so here it is lyrics only.

Best thing: TH filled my car up for me! So sweet :-)

Worst thing: Dreams, again :-/


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