Tuesday, January 22, 2013

January 22

Well, fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK!!!! No pour tomorrow morning. I have no idea why yet, I just know that it's not going to happen. We kinda waited all day to see if we would hear anything from the foreman and when we didn't, TH emailed him to ask. He said he would let us know more with the next update, which I'm hoping will be early tomorrow. The only thing that I can think it could possibly be is waiting for the slab engineer. Guess we'll find out tomorrow. Hopefully it's just pushed back until Thursday. I know that delays and all are part of it, but it just seems like every little thing that can go wrong is going wrong. I wanna be back in our own house, sleeping snuggled up with the kitties. I miss the kitties :-(

Went to get my oil changed this morning then stopped to see the house and the kitties. When I got there nobody was there, but the concrete guys showed up while I was messing with the kitties. They had probably a little over half of the steel grid laid out; it looked like almost all of the back half of the house. TH went by on his way to work and they had finished it, and installed the electrical ground rod. So it looks like everything is done, and ready. So then WHAT THE EVERLOVING FUCK IS THE PROBLEM?!?!?!?!? Ahem. Sorry.

Went home after seeing the kitties and hung out with TH, drank a little more than I should have, and stayed up way later than I should have. I think I went to bed around 11:30. I was tired when I got home, I just wasn't sleepy. I did eat some more of the Salsa of Doom. Oh my holy shit is it wicked now. Good, but wicked. Went to bed, got up and went to pick up TK from school. A few times a week we'll go by Sonic on the way home because they have a happy hour special where all drinks are half price. TK usually gets a Diet Coke with chocolate and vanilla syrups, and it almost always gets a weird look. Yeah, it seems to me like the two would cancel each other out or something, but he likes it, lol. So today we saw that they had added a new sign: during the happy hour special you can get a few different items for $.99. One of the options was a small tater tot. So we were like, yeah that sounds good! Only after we ordered did I notice the regular non-happy hour price for a small tater tot: $1.00. -_- We are not smart people, lol. Eh, they were still good. This is the same Sonic that had a sign up for like 3 weeks advertising that they were hiring "skateting carhops". Right now they are proudly announcing that they are selling new breakfast "samwiches". Srsly.

Got home and played some Halo 4 for the first time in a long time! The second half of Season 1 of Spartan Ops started yesterday, but we didn't have a chance to play then. TK said he started to play it but it was like a 2 Gig download so by the time it finished he was just like screw it. We played all 5 chapters, just on Normal difficulty. It was good! I'm curious to see where they're going with this storyline. I forgot how much I missed playing Halo, too :-/ I changed my controller settings on Halo 4 to Fishsticks, and I think that's going to help a lot. I've gotten used to playing with the COD (lol) settings, so it's confusing trying to switch between COD and Halo. I think I thought about trying it as soon as Halo 4 came out but I was afraid I would get confused switching back and forth between Halo 4 and Reach. I really haven't played much Reach lately though. I don't remember if Reach has a Fishstick setting or not. It doesn't seem like it does because there is no default sprint. I may have to experiment a little bit.

Finished the Spartan Ops and took a quick nap before work. TH was omg so sweet - he knew I was going to be tired so he stopped on his way to work and bought some Rockstar Colas!! They are the most awesome energy drink ever but they have gotten so hard to find. He has a store on the way to work that sells them though. I drank one on the way to work, and the other one is sitting over there in the little fridge going "Driiiiink meeeeeee. You are sleeeeeeeeepy. Driiiiink meeeeeeeeeeee." Caffeine is my friend :-)

Oh - I felt so bad. I was sitting at the oil change place this morning and I texted TH at about 7:10 (he gets up at 7:00) - Ohai, I has coffee!! He answers - I'm making coffee. I forgot to set it up last night :-/ I remembered tonight though, lol.

I'm still not sure what to think about the patrol guys that come through here at work. Maybe they just really like talking about video games...

It smells like butt out here again tonight. It smells like butt quite often around here. It's the sewage treatment plant. I actually find it kinda funny - right here in the middle of this expensive neighborhood and there is this big-ass shit factory up on a hill. I'm easily amused, lol. Even when it smells like butt.

Ok so, house pictures!! I took a bunch this morning, and then TH took some when he went by. So we have steel half finished, and then finished. Yay!!

From the front, this morning. About half of the steel laid out.

From the back/side, this afternoon. All of the steel finished!! I keep thinking it reminds me of something, but I can't remember what it is...

The electrical ground rod.  And not my finger this time. See, TH is as awesome as I am :-)

Song: Seether - Remedy. An angry song cause it's been an angry day :-P The video is freaky as fuck, so here it is lyrics only.

Best thing: Rockstar Cola - TH wubs me :-)

Worst thing: Another stupid delay, grrrrrrrrr.

Yep yep yep.

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