Wednesday, January 2, 2013

January 2

Went home and played some Black Ops 2 before everybody woke up this morning. Ended up doing a few campaign levels and a few rounds of Team Deathmatch. The contractor for the house called and wanted to meet with us so we went over there for a little bit. Froze our asses off! Saw the kitties - man they are still not happy about being locked in the shed. I think they've figured out though that it's not as bad as being outside, at least as long as the machinery is running. It gets loud! Nothing left now but one big pile of concrete, I think they said they would have that moved out of the way enough to be able to start a little bit of work on the slab tomorrow! Stupid dumpster problems, or they would have it all cleaned up by now. Seems like it's always something >:-(

A few pictures of the house. Slab is busted up, finally!

From the front (this was actually a few days ago)
From the back - basically a big muddy mess.

The builder called and wanted to meet today to pick out cabinets and carpet and paint colors and everything, but I hadn't slept yet so that would have sucked. So, we go tomorrow morning! I thought we would have more time to think about it, but they wanna make sure they can get everything ordered and there's no delay. No more delay, ugh. I'm still pissed about all of that. I hope we can figure out what we want! I think we've decided on purple for the exterior. Lol, we'll be the purple house.

.....They're digging up the flowerbeds on the side of the house. There are kitties buried there. I'm trying not to think about it, they were kitties from a long time ago. Dunno if it should still bother me this much. The other three are behind the shed, at least...

I still have the dreams. Not as much as before. It makes it hard to sleep, I wake up still tired. If I drink enough that I can fall asleep easily, they're not as bad. But then, that causes headaches. I'm trying the meds again, some that I had left from before, until I can make it to the doctor. I need to be on something, apparently, but I can't tell if these are working or not. It's probably counterproductive to take an antidepressant and drink at the same time, huh?

Best thing: The few minutes of playing  Black Ops 2 before anyone got up. They were still downstairs, but still. I was alone and it was quiet for a few minutes. I miss being alone - seems like there's always somebody crawling up my ass >:-(

Worst thing: Mom texted after I got to work, and once again everything is all about her problems, and T. and her problems. It's like my stuff doesn't even matter. I should be used to it by now, but it still sucks :-/

Oh, something else, too - a song! My new favorite song of the moment: Avenged Sevenfold - Carry On. From Black Ops 2. Good stuff - you can find the song on YouTube by itself but I like the video :-)

I guess that's it for now.

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