Monday, January 14, 2013

January 14

I got into the Economics class, yay! Not the exact same class as the one TH is taking, but looking at the syllabus it looks like all of the teachers have it set up the same way. So that one started today, and the Texas Government and Psychology start mid-February, since they are both 12 week classes. I ordered the Government book already but I'm going to wait until they post the syllabus for Psychology to order that one because I'm not 100% sure which book to get. Probably by tomorrow the Economics class will show up on Blackboard so I can go ahead and pay for MyEconLab and get started. Hooray :-/

It sleeted this morning, before I left work. It was probably around 2:30 or so, and it only lasted about 10 minutes. Talk about completely random - I have no idea where it came from! I went home and slept, then got up and went to pick up TK. Went by the house to see the kitties. Saw Misadventure for the first time in like a week and a half! Pretty sure she's been hanging out inside at the neighbor lady's house. She and Hiro both came down and we fed them. She was so happy to see us! Nobody was there working, but they had cleaned up the rest of the concrete and brought in a big pile of fill dirt. I guess that's to fill in and level off the slab area. Hopefully since they finished the plumbing yesterday, the inspector was there today and they will move on to the next part tomorrow. Really really hoping for a Thursday or Friday concrete pour. Thursday would be better, since TH is off that day. Fridays he goes in at 2:30.

I thought about stopping at the store after I picked up TK, but I was tired. I need to get some onions and bell peppers, and make some of my Salsa Of Doom!! It is really really good, but really really hot. And the longer it stays in the fridge, the hotter it gets. It's awesome :-) The last time I made it I brought some to the guys at work. One of them said he tried it and it was really good but it was just too hot. He gave it to his son-in-law though. The other one also said it was really hot but he still ate it. He asked for the recipe. I really don't have a recipe though, you just kinda blend everything together, lol. So this time I'm going to make a batch and measure everything to kinda get an idea and halfass a recipe.

Got home and played a few games of Nuketown Zombies on Black Ops 2. I don't know what the odds of this happening are, but in our last game TK and I both managed to get a raygun from the Mystery Box! We freaking owned, lol. The only thing that would have made it better would have been if freaking Pack-A-Punch would have showed up before we died. We would have been UNSTOPPABLE!!!!! NYAHAHAHAHAHA...ahem. :-P Took a short (very short) nap, and now I'm back at work. Again.

I just walked outside, and there is something coming down right now. I can't tell if it's drizzle or what, but it's really light. I also just noticed that they took down the Christmas lights today. Yeah, I'm a little slow sometimes, lol.

Sleet on my car, from this morning. It actually blew up under the overhang where I park!

Big pile of dirt! And crashed alien concrete sculpture dude is gone. It's all nice and clean, though!

Let's see. Song: Barenaked Ladies - Never Do Anything. An old one! These guys were my favorite for a while. I've seen them live 2 or 3 times - they played a local radio station's concert series for several years. 

Best thing: Misadventure!!!

Worst thing: TK used the Portapotty at the house, and when he came out he said that somebody had written a bunch of racist shit all over the inside. I meant to go look before we left but I forgot. Thinking about getting a can of spray paint and painting over it tomorrow :-/

I think that's it.

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